Chapter 2 - Violet Baudelaire

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The sky was pitch black as the car sped through the deserted Hinterlands. Violet, Klaus and Sunny were squished up at the back of the car, driven by Mr. Poe. Violet stared outside of the car window, trying to erase all of the memories from the past few hours. She and Klaus nearly died and it was only by a miracle that the trailer stopped just before falling off the cliff. Sunny was taken by Count Olaf and Esmé. If everything has gone the Count's way, none of them would be sitting in the car right now.
    Count Olaf was a murderer, and kidnapped on the loose. He was with Esmé Squalor, former city's sixth most important financial adviser that the Baudelaires were orphans of for a short period. They kidnapped Duncan and Isadora Quagmire in a Red Herring and followed them to the Village of Fowl Devotees. After Duncan and Isadora were rescued, Count Olaf and Esmé followed them to the Heimlich Hospital where they nearly severed Violet's head and set fire to the hospital. Next, they all went to the Caligari Carnival while the Baudelaires were in disguises. The Count wanted to know the truth about the Baudelaire's parents but didn't find out and pushed Madam Lulu (Olivia the librarian in disguise) into a pit of Hungry lions. He and Esmé kidnapped the Baudelaires and were caught at the Mortmain Mountains by the police.
    Violet's trail of thought was interrupted by Mr. Poe's coughing. Well more like hacking. Klaus tapped her shoulder and mouthed the words, "any idea of where we are going?" She shook her head and held onto Sunny more tightly.
    Mr. Poe, sensing their communication spoke up, "There there, now Baudelaires, I know that you have had a hard time with Count Olaf trying to steal your fortune. I just can't imagine what you three must have gone through." Violet sadly looked at Sunny and stroked her soft blonde hair, there was something she was missing. Mr. Poe continued, "What with you losing your Uncle Montgomery Montgomery, Aunt Josephine, and Olivia Caliban, you..."
    "Wait how do you know of Olivia?" Klaus asked. He looked uneasily at Violet.
    "The police originally went to the Caligari Carnival moments after you three and the others left. They found remains of Olivia and her belongings in Madame Lulu's tent. This is all confidential of course and one of the audience told the police that the Count was headed towards the Mortmain Mountains," Mr. Poe answered.
    His eyes were fixed on the road but he turned around to face the three Baudelaire children. "I myself couldn't believe that Count Olaf was alive!"
    "Yeah, how did you find out because the entire village thought that we killed him!" Violet inquired. Sitting on her lap, Sunny squealed, "misinformation!"
    "Well, they discovered when after Count Olaf and Esmé left the V.F.D, Olaf was Detective Dupin and killed Jacques Snicket who everybody believed was Count Olaf in disguise." Mr. Poe continued, "Now not only did Count Olaf kill Montgomery Montgomery, Josephine Anwhistle, and Gustav Sebald, he also murdered, Jacques Snicket, Olivia Caliban, and Captain Sam, who Count Olaf drowned in Lake Lachyrmose to steal his "Captain Sham" costume."
    Violet took a deep breath and looked at her brother once more. His wavy dark fringe started to grow in front of his black glasses, he looked so similar to their mum. The missing thought sprang to her head. "Wait! Mr. Poe! We have to turn back around!" Violet sat right up. She saw Mr. Poe's eyes watching through the car mirror.
    "Now, now. Why do you have the need to do that?" He asked, but Violet wasn't quick enough to formulate an answer.
    "Um... because... uh..... I left something!" Violet stammered. Mr. Poe threw her a disbelieving look and continued to drive.
    "Whatever it is, we can get you a new one." Klaus looked at her confused. He didn't have an idea of what they were talking about and so Violet leaned towards him, "remember our parents? V.F.D. secret headquarters? We need to go back."

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