Chapter 15 - Duncan Quagmire

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"Here look at this!" Isadora said, pushing a book towards Duncan. Duncan looked at the book cover interestingly and he closed the book he was reading on.
The morning has gone by quickly. Duncan and Isadora had their breakfast of toast and spreads, along with an assortment of fruits. Duncan wondered where they got all of these delicious food because he always imagined pirate food to be a mash of leftovers and cold meat. After breakfast, Isadora brought up the idea to go to the library to see if there was anything on the family history of the Montgomery's.
They went through all of the book genre in the vast, oak library to rest on Herpetologists of the Modern Age. Isadora searched the contents to find that an entire chapter of Dr. Montgomery was on page sixty-seven. She flipped through the dense book until the page she was on the page she was looking for and found a large portrait of Montgomery Montgomery, smiling at the camera with a big, scaly snake wounding around his shoulders. "I didn't know he was this famous!" Isadora exclaimed after giving Duncan the book.
He checked how many pages his chapter was, ten pages and went back to the first page where his childhood was written. Duncan read aloud, "Born on the first of May, Montgomery Montgomery was born to Elizabeth and Taylor Montgomery."
"Hang on, that was the name that Jemma said Montgomery married! She said he married an Elizabeth Taylor, she probably ran out of ideas."
"Okay, continuing. The Montgomery's lived in the City, as the parents owned a four-star chain restaurants named the Montgomery Diner. He had a very fun childhood, many friends at school, part of Henley's Biology Club and he had the accompaniment of his elder sister, Laurel Montgomery."
"Continue," Isadora prompted.
"His sister was a keen inventor. Like Violet!" Duncan added before he continued reading, "She was especially interested in the area of Aviation, and so she tried to make flying transportation. Unfortunately, none of them worked and Laurel suffered a broken arm after trying to fly off a tree. Other than that, Montgomery had a nice, peaceful, childhood." Duncan stopped reading aloud until he finally says, "Yeah, so the rest is about Montgomery and his snakes."
Isadora looked at Duncan and closed the book she was looking through, "I have a question. Why did Jemma change her name?"
"I don't really know, maybe she did something bad in the past."

After putting the books back in the correct shelf, Duncan and Isadora headed down the corridor back to their room. They were going to arrive at the mansion tonight and Duncan could hardly believe that he was seeing Klaus, Sunny and Violet after a few months.
Duncan missed his bestfriend Klaus, who he made jokes with, Sunny who hugged his legs whenever she saw him, and Violet. His stomach turned when he thought of her, he couldn't believe he was seeing her tonight, after replaying their reunion about a million times in his head.
Duncan stumbled as he was heading to the bedside table where his notebook lay. His foot was caught on one of the wooden tiles which came out of the floor. Isadora steadily caught him right when he was about to fall over. "What the..."
Isadora bent down to wear he tripped over. The wooden tile was partly out of the floor so Isadora pulled the whole thing out to reveal a small compartment under the floor. Duncan bent down too and he saw that in the small compartment, there was a neatly folded paper. 
He took it out, the paper was dusty and looked like it hasn't been touched in months. He quickly unfolded the paper to see a letter written on one side of it, in a neat, slanted writing. Isadora took it from him and they both sat on the bed. She put the letter in front of both of them.

I am writing to inform you that I know what you have done. I am writing this letter because we haven't spoken for years, and I don't have the will to talk to you, face by face, because your actions against the V.F.D. disgusts me.
You maybe have been wondering how this letter got onto your "Pirate boat," This was actually meant to be mother and father's, but you stole away their most valued home and took it for yourself, leaving them heartbroken. When you stopped near the City, I snuck on the boat and pretended to be a crew and put this letter in this hiding spot that I knew you would find.
The fire you started was when I knew that you had really gone. That fire killed a person, and yet you feel no remorse for what you have done. You used to be in V.F.D. the organisation where we stop fires and save people, but instead, you start fires and kill people.
What more, we know that you have sided with Count Olaf. The one who is going after the innocent Baudelaire's, the one who also betrayed the V.F.D. I know his plan, to get their fortune and I know you are in on it. Fortunately, the Baudelaire's are coming to me next after the Count is found no longer suitable to care for them and if you to go after them, you will have to face me.
Mother and father knows what you have done and they have never been so ashamed. Perhaps that is the reason why you changed your name to "Jemma Farley" so that they can never find you, and live in the skies because you can't face what you have done.
Please don't ever write back, MM.

"So now we can say that Laurel is actually Montgomery's sister." Duncan said after reading "MM." on the page which he could only assume meant, "Montgomery Montgomery."
"I can't believe that Jemma has never found this." Isadora commented.
"We now know a darker side to Jemma. She used to be in the V.F.D. but betrayed them when she killed someone by a fire she started."
"That's why she wanted to know about the V.F.D. She got kicked out of the V.F.D. and maybe she wants to find the members or the headquarters?"
"Also about Count Olaf, for all we know, Jemma could be teamed up with him."
"But then why is she doing a favour for us then? Getting us to the Baudelaire's?"
Duncan looked at his sister. "What if she's not? If she is still in league with him, she could be taking us to him, as a favour for Olaf. We have believed her lies." Isadora was silent at the moment before speaking up, "then we get out of here."
"Isadora, if you haven't realised, we are on a ship, in the sky."
"We'll take two of the parachutes and jump off. We can either save ourselves or walk straight to Count Olaf. The best way is to get out of here as soon as possible."

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