Chapter 12 - Violet Baudelaire

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In situations like this, Violet did what she could do best. Invent. She took a pale pink ribbon from her pocket and tied her brown hair into a low ponytail. Everything seemed clear to Violet. Hundred of ideas came soaring into her brain and she knew what do do.
In lightning speed time, Violet took out a pin and molded it using her body force and the hard desk to create a flat edge of a screwdriver. With only about ten seconds to go, Violet dived to  the air vent which was low enough for her to reach. Like an engineer or a mechanic, she opened all four screwdrivers in no time and took the cover off.
"Klaus, Come on!" Violet whispered hurryingly. Klaus who was holding Sunny in his arms went into the air vent first. It was big enough to fit them inside. Once Klaus and Sunny were safely tucked away, Violet joined them, hoisting up one leg at a time. She caught Klaus's out-stretched arm and pulled herself into the vent.
Once all three were up there, Violet reached down and brought the vent upwards, fitted it into the vent and started screwdriving the bolts back in place. The door burst open when Violet tightened the last bolt. Count Olaf and Esmé walked in. Esmé was considerably having a very tenses conversation with Olaf. She whispered-cried, "So you had to act as her boyfriend? You could of been her assistant or cleaner of something but you chose to be her boyfriend!"
"Esmé, my darling, I am just pretending to be her boyfriend. Of course I do not want her. I want you." Count Olaf put his charming ways for Esmé and Violet nearly vomited in her mouth.
"And when will Jemma get here?" Esmé asked. She sat down on the "L" shaped couch and was ruffling her pants. Violet has never heard or met a "Jemma" but if "Jemma" was in league with the Count and Esmé, then she knew that Jemma was a bad person.
"She will get here tomorrow afternoon or evening, she just sent me the message."
"And why did you have to use her as well?" Clearly Esmé was cautious about his choices.
"I've told you this before, Esmé. Captain Farley has the two Quagmire brats on her ship. She will be here tomorrow." Violet's stomach churned in the inside. This Jemma has Isadora and Duncan? She knew that her best friends were in danger. Violet turned around to her brother who's face was as pale as hers.
"And what will happen next?" Esmé's high-pitched voice grew louder and Violet knew she stood up and came closer to the air vent. Violet, Sunny and Klaus quietly shuffled back, until they were completely in the dark.
"By then, I will have lured the Baudelaire's into the ship and we would set off with both Quagmire's and Baudelaire's in my clutches." Count Olaf continued, "you see, the children still thinks that I am Harold. Foolish children." Violet rolled her eyes. She knew it was him since the moment he walked through the doors into the living room. "All three Baudelaire's are just try-hards. But they are not smart. They just have help from the adults or V.F.D. members when they can't do anything themselves. The Baudelaire's think that they can get away with anything."
Violet once again turned around to face Klaus. She couldn't see his face or expression because it was dark, but she knew he was listening intently. Violet could tell by the jangle of metal objects, that Count Olaf or Esmé emptied their pockets and put it on the table.
"I'm going to have a word with Beverly about tomorrow. I need to make sure that the Baudelaire's don't have any plans tomorrow. Make sure you stay in this room until I come back, and take care of the key too." Count Olaf's heavy footsteps were retreating the room and Violet let out a quiet sigh of relief, knowing Esmé was still in the room.
"First name basis with Hadley is he?" Esmé muttered in jealousy after he left. She walked around the room for a minute or two in thought. Violet heard the same jangle or metal she heard the last time and a thought popped in her head as well. This must be the key to the locked suitcase!
Violet heard Esmé's muttering again, "Well, he just leaves me in this room so I can leave his oh-so precious key in this room too!" Just through one of the gaps of the air vent, Violent witnessed Esmé plopping the key behind a cushion. Then came the unmistakable clip-clops of Esmé's heels going away.
Once the room was quiet for the next two minutes, Klaus tapped on her shoulder. She whirled in an instant and saw Klaus sitting there, Sunny playing between his legs. "Should we go out now?" Klaus whispered and Violet nodded. She took out her hair pin-screwdriver from her pocket and slowly started to untighten the bolts.
After she had each bolts in her hand, Violet took down the air vent cover and jumped down first. Thankfully, there was a small rug under where they jumped so they made no noise. Violet got a hold of Sunny and put her on the ground and Klaus jumped after too, his glasses lopsided when he landed.
Adjusting his glasses, Klaus asked, "Violet, did you see where Esmé put the key because I'm pretty sure that..."
"is the key for the suitcase?" Violet answered. They both laughed.
"Great minds think alike?" Klaus said.
"No, I think it is more the telepathic connection between us. Yes, obviously it is our great minds. I don't know why Count Olaf said that we were foolish. We saw straight through his terrible disguise the moment he set foot in this house." Violet said, which made Klaus laugh.
"Where did you say you saw Esmé put the keys?"
"Behind that pillow," Violet said, pointing to one of the grey pillows on the leather couch.
"I got it!" squealed Sunny. The youngest Baudelaire walked over to the couch and pulled out a shiny, small, silver key.
"Great Sunny," Klaus picked up the key and examined it. The same eye they saw on the suitcase was engraved on the key. "This is definitely the key to the suitcase, it has the V.F.D symbol on it!" Klaus excitedly said and paused. Once again, they heard footsteps coming down the corridor. Violet's heart beat slowed down once she knew it was only Esmé's and it was from a far distance. She screwed the last bolt and picked up Sunny.
The two, one carrying Sunny hurried towards the door and slowly opened it, thankfully, Esmé hasn't come around the corner yet so Klaus quietly shut the door and the two started running down the hall, the opposite direction of Esmé's footsteps. They continued running until they were at the stairs and bumped into Mrs. Hadley who was going up the stairs alone.
"Hi dears, what are you up to this late?" She said when she caught sight of her three children.
"It's only nine." Klaus said, flat out. Mrs. Hadley smiled back at him and said, "you must be looking for your room then." Violet nodded and Mrs, Hadley said, "It's just down one floor, take the three corridors and fourth door on the right."
"But this was a different route to earlier on today," Klaus questioned.
"This is a quicker way from here, now good night!" Mrs. Hadley finished. They thanked their guardian and followed the route until they recognised their door, which now had their names on a card in front. "This is a lot more convenient!" Violet exclaimed and they went into their rooms.
"What are going to do now?" Violet asked, she tucked Sunny into bed who was already snoring. Violet looked back at Klaus who had the small key in his hand.
"We're going back there tonight."

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