chapter 2

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The first thought that went through my head was how is this possible? I am a human being! Not some white tiger?! I quickly calmed down until i rememberd i was still inside the school. How am i going to get out without being noticed? I looked up at the clock in the restroom and saw that i had 10 minutes left until the bell rang and everyone made their way to last period. During that time someone was bound to come in the restrooms. As if right on que i hear the restroom door opening. I quickly get in one of the stalls and balance myself on the tank of the toilet. I hear the footsteps getting closer filling me with anticipation when i see her feet go into the stall next to the one i was in. Now was my chance. I quickly jumped off the tank and pushed my muzzle into the door to open it. I slid the rest of my body through and made my way to the exit when a thought occurred to me. What are you going to do when you get outside? You can't just start roaming the streets.  I decide to go to one of the empty janitor closets. When i get there i use my paws to push on the doorknob and slip inside. Once I'm in my eyes quickly adjust to the darkness when i notice my paws are turning a pinkish color. Then i immediately stand up straight and turn back into a human being! I notice I'm still in the same clothes the same time i morphed. I heard the bellows ring and quickly step outside the janitors closet. I immediately blend in with the croud and start to relax when i hear "hey Arinol, wait up." it was my friend Carissa. "hey where were you during math class. you looked really pale and just left. " "Don't worry in fine." I tell Carissa.

*********After School*********

I went home feeling much more relaxed until i remembered what happened during math. I knew i should tell my parents but then they would freak out so i decided to keep it a secret from everyone. What worried me the most is that i didn't know how to control it yet. After going to my room and changing into something much more confortable i decided to go downstairs and do my homework. By the time i was finished with my homework, i heard my mom and dad drive up to the house. I decided to play it cool so my mom wouldn't notice anything.  My mom came in the door and set the car keys on the table next to the door. " hey mom how was work?"

" good" my mom replied. " So how was your day" "good." Shortly after that my dad came in and quickly made his way to the kitchen. "I am starving" he announced while opening the fridge. " would you like anything" he asks. "no thanks." I quickly head up to my room and decide to hit the hay early. Tomorrow was Friday so i decided to try and figure out this new thing or ability and find out how to control it.

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