chapter 5

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Wonder what was bugging my mom? I didn't think about it much and decided to get some sleep

******* dream ********

I saw myself running through the woods. Wait. No. It wasn't me. It was my mom. What was she doing? Then I see a wolf-like creature with ruffled up gray fur.It looks angry like it wanted to hurt someone.

My mom.

Right before me i see my mom start running on all fours and growing sleek, brown fur through her skin and clothes. She was a beautiful cat-like wolf. My mom slowed down and statrted walking back on two legs and made her way back the way  she was running but taking a different route. Before she was out in the clearing, a man - my dad -  " Did we lose them" my dad said panting. " yeah...*huff* i think...*huff*... so." my mom says. " Ok.Lets get out of here before they find us again." They start heading out of the clearing quickly back to the house. Who's them? Who was that person chasing my mom? Before i could get any answers everything turns bright.


sorry for such a short chapter. Next time it will be longer.

until next time......


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