Chapter One: Meeting The Brooks Family

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First few chapters are going to be short but once I get into the actual show there will be longer chapters.
My name is Tessa Brooks and I'm 16 years old.

{Tessa Brooks}

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{Tessa Brooks}

I have a brother named Jason Brooks and we're twins! We always have each others backs no matter what.

{Jason Brooks}

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{Jason Brooks}

Our moms name is Jessica Brooks and our father's name is Cory Brooks.

{Jessica Brooks}

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{Jessica Brooks}

{Jessica Brooks}

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{Cory Brooks}

Me and my brother are not you're typical teens. Alot of people don't believe in things like mythical creatures, they think it's all fairy tales. Well let me tell you, they are wrong and I know this because me and my brother, well, we're werewolves! I'm the alpha of my pack and my brother is a beta. My parents are betas of their own pack but they all split up to take care of their children.

Now that you know my family, let me tell you a bit more about me. I am a rare wolf, a true alpha. A true alpha is a werewolf that puts people before themselves, will protect people no matter what and will always do the right thing. True alphas don't have to steal the title from an alpha, they earn it for always doing the right thing. I am also a rare werewolf in other ways for example I can sense danger from even a few towns away. These are some of the many reasons why I'm the alpha. I use this sense of danger to feel the threat before it arrives and protect the people I care for and the innicent people that don't have a clue on what's going on.

It's normal to be born a werewolf, a beta to be more specific. But me, well I wasn't born a beta. I was born a true alpha. Someone being born a true alpha was not known to be possible until I was born. My powers are unknown to all creatures of the mythical world. I honestly still don't know about all of my capabilities yet, but I'll find out when the time is right. Well that's what our family friend has told us. Him and his sister are part of the mythical world and know alot about the different types of creatures. We always reach out to them when we need help because we know that we can trust them with our lives. Trust is a hard thing to find nowadays, you can't trust anyone with a secret like mine. That's why I've built walls to keep people from finding out who I really am. If I didn't have these walls then who knows what type of horrible things could happen to me. And more importantly the things that could happen to the people I care about. That's why I can only tell the people who I truly trust. So I'm going to keep this secret close, because if I don't... everything I know and care for.... will be gone.

Pictures of my characters don't belong to me, they belong to the people in the photos.

Well, there's the first chapter! Hope you guys liked it! Stay bright my little stars!


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