Chapter Two: Breakfast And Tingley Feelings

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It's 7:28 am and my mom, dad, Jason and me are sitting in our dining room eating breakfast. I look around the table and see my mom eating french toast, my dad eating an omelet and my brother has bacon and eggs. I look at my pathetic bowl of cereal and pout. I heard my brother chuckle and look up at him to see he's already looking at me.

"What?" I ask looking at Jason with an eyebrow raised.    

"I can make you breakfast tomorrow so you can have something different for a change instead of having cerial or toast like you have every morning. And I know how you hate Mondays and are more lazy than usual on that day so if you want I can make your breakfast every Monday." Jason offered smiling at me.

I glare at him playfully even though he is right. Im always too tired in the morning to make a decent breakfast.

"That'd be awesome. Thanks Jason." I smile at him.

"No problem. But you'll owe me." Jason says with his signature smirk.

"Of course. Always a catch" I mumble.

I hear my parents quietly laughing at us and roll my eyes.

"Well I'm not gonna do it for free." He says taking a bite of his bacon.

"What do you want Jason?" I ask annoyed.

"I want you to wash my car every Sunday. You do yours that day anyways, what's one more car." He says shrugging.

"Washing a car is alot more work then cooking breakfast!" I state looking at my brother incrediously.

"Take it or leave it. Although you are right. You could always just make your plain bowl of cereal and I could just wash my car myself." He says taking a sip of his apple juice.

"Fine!" I say giving in knowing how much I hate Monday mornings.

I cross my arms looking at Jason who's has a smug look on his face. I groan and uncross my arms going back to my food.
I dip my spoon into my bowl and eat a spoon full of cinnamon toast crunch cereal. I put my spoon back into the bowl and pick up my glass of orange juice. As I'm taking a sip I get a tingly feeling in my head that I get right before I get a vision of a threat and where it is gonna be. I slightly choke on the orange juice and lay the cup back on the table.

"Are you okay sweetheart?" Asks my dad. I look up to my family and they all looked worried.

I gasp as my eyes turn red and I'm takin into a vision. I see an alpha werewolf in wolf form but I don't know who it is. Then it changes to multiple scenes of dead people on the ground with blood and deep scratch marks all over their bodies. It then changes to a sign. Beacon Hills...

I breathe heavily and come out of my vision feeling two hands on my shoulders. I open my eyes to see Jason in front of me looking into my eyes with his hands on my shoulders.

"What happened?" Jason asks concerned.

"I had a vision. There's going to be a new alpha and they're going to kill people." I say looking up at my family.

They all look at me shocked.

"What? Where?" My dad asks me. 

"Beacon Hills."


Here's the second chapter! Looks like they know somethings going on at Beacon Hills!

Hope you guys liked it! Stay bright my little stars!


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