"Uh..who the hell are you?"
"--OH, HELLO THERE.. I'm your new translator, Y/N."
♡ #1 on translator ♡
Agust D x Reader
Genre: Fanfiction
Credit @ celdesp
While I was peacefully sleeping, suddenly the alarm began ringing resulting in my eyes immediately opening. Uh, have I mentioned how much I hate alarm clocks... That dream I saw last night was perfect, why would you have to ruin it for me...
Anyway, I got out of bed and tried to get myself together - after all, I would have to travel to America with Yoongi today...
Moreover, I didn't want to be late so I made sure to have something small for breakfast and scrolled through my phone for a while. To my surprise, a few seconds later I got a text from Mr. Bang...
Pd-nim: I regret to tell you that you will have to travel alone because Mr. Min will be busy today - you two will meet at the Awards though.
I actually felt a little disappointed when I realised that I wouldn't have any company during the flight.. But I guess it would be more peaceful and quiet.
Y/N: Thank you for telling me. See you there, sir~!!
I wore casual clothes like usual and a face mask in case any fans noticed me. Yeah, it hadn't even been 2 days since I began working for Bighit but the fans already knew it... Unlike Min Yoongi himself.
I took my small suitcases and after getting out of the apartment I got in the car Pd-nim had sent to drive me to the airport.
When I arrived at the airport the time was 9:40 and my flight wouldn't leave till 10:00 so I decided to call Mr. Bang and ask him about some details.
Overall, the flight was quite nice. Well, except that annoying child that kept shouting... But, I kept my hopes up... Everything will be alright.
Once the plane landed, I saw a taxi holding up a sign with my name on it. I greeted the man and got in the taxi. Soon after that, we arrived at the studio where the interview would be broadcasted. After thanking the driver, I walked in the building.
I showed my card to one of the staff members and he led me to my changing room where a fancy outfit was placed for me. How kind of them...I thought.
Pd-nim had told me that I wouldn't be meeting Agust D till the interview so I was a little nervous about his behaviour even though Mr. Bang had assured me that everything would be okay.
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The outfit Yoongi's stylist had provided me with was really pretty, actually.. I wore the stripped shirt and the black skirt. Then, I threw on my red jacket and wore a golden bracelet and rings. I completed the look with white all star shoes with a red stripe on them - man, the detail was great !
The interview was at 10:00 PM and I was already wearing my new clothes, so I had plenty of time to explore and look around the studio. When it was about 9:30 I decided to head back to my dressing room.
Suprisingly, Mr. Bang was waiting for me near my dressing room with a bright smile on his face. "Oh, Y/N, how are you doing?" "I'm feeling a little anxious but I am confident about this interview at the same time..." "I am glad to hear that." He said. "By the way, Yoongi is in his dressing room, he will be joining you in a few minutes." "Thank you, Pd-nim." I smiled back at him and bowed.
During the interview, I noticed that Yoongi actually knew how to speak English. However, he didn't say much for some reason... But that was okay, I translated his words from Korean to English and fortunately everything went smoothly.
When the interview was over, we thanked the hostess of the show and headed backstage side by side in silence. After we had gotten back, Yoongi turned to face me and I literally almost chocked. Oh man, those damn eyes... Y/N, get over yourself.
"..Hey, thank you for helping me out. Your Korean pronunciation is really nice." "You don't have to thank me, it's my job. I am glad we will be working together... You seem really cool."
I said while blushing a little bit and I swear I could see him smile for a second. So cute...
Yoongi's POV
That girl, Y/N I think.. She was very kind to me. And she is pretty too like the bodyguard told me... I think I have seen her somewhere though... Honestly, she seems familiar.
A note: Heeeey it's C & D and welcome to the third chapter of our ff story !! ♡ We hope you enjoyed it, please support us <33 Thank you soooooo much for reading our story 28 readers just wow... When we first uploaded the story we didn't expect to get more than 10 readers - we are so thankful WE LOOOOVEE YOOOU ♡
- c & d
- Please don't copy or steal our story !! ♡ All credit goes to @celdesp
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