"Uh..who the hell are you?"
"--OH, HELLO THERE.. I'm your new translator, Y/N."
♡ #1 on translator ♡
Agust D x Reader
Genre: Fanfiction
Credit @ celdesp
I can't believe Yoongi actually invited me to his concert. Although I've been living in Korea for three years, I don't really know artists. I have been so focused in finding in job that I know nothing about entertainment here. Oh, well.. time to change that!
After searching for an outfit for over ten minutes I finally chose what to wear; it was a short white dress with flowery details on the waist, high heels and a floral jacket over it.
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I got in my car and began driving to where the concert would be held. When I got there, the bodyguards recognised me and allowed me to get in, where I found Mr. Bang sitting in the front row, waiting for me.
"Y/N, welcome!" He greeted me. "Nice to see you again, Pd-nim.. When will the concert begin, I thought I was a little la--" I was cut off by the sound of music playing and the fans suddenly went crazy, cheering and yelling out Agust D.
And so, it began..
The background screen was separated in half and Yoongi and his backup dancers came out of it. He moved the mic closer to his mouth and yelled.
"Everybody ready for this?"
Of course, the crowd began cheering louder, getting excited and honestly, so was I. Actually, instead of screaming I was just smiling like an idiot staring at a side of Yoongi I had never ever seen before.
"Sit back and enjoy the show." Mr. Bang said and continued eating some kind of dessert while my eyes were locked on Agust D, waiting to finally hear him rap.
Yoongi's Pov
After the crowd was done cheering, the actual music of the mixtape began playing and I began rapping to the flow.
My dancers were behind me, moving to the beat and I was rapping one of the saddest songs I've composed - "The Last". A rap about how I coped with depression and social anxiety before becoming an idol.
"On the first visit to psychiatric ward, my parents came up with me We listened to the consultation together, my parents said they don’t truly understand me I don’t understand myself well either, then who would understand? Friend? Or you? Nobody knows me well.."
The words escaped my mouth and even though I'd already performed before, I couldn't help but feel a little emotional about my struggles.. I will never forget how I felt those cold, lonely nights.
I noticed some of my fans were tearing up or already crying while I was rapping. Honestly, it came as no surprise since the meaning of it was really deep and important to people who've struggled with mental illness or hardships in general.
But then, my eyes landed on a familiar figure sitting beside Mr. Bang - Y/N. Tears we're flowing down her cheecks as she covered her mouth.
It must be hard for her to see me like this - but that used to be my reality.. I will talk to her after I finish rapping.
I thought, concentrating to the lyrics.
Y/N's Pov
I just couldn't help but burst in tears when I heard those words come out of Yoongi's mouth. I felt a special connection with him and it just hurt me when I got to know everything he had been through. Although I wanted to make him feel better before, I was so determined to do that now.
I got up in the middle of the song and headed to the bathroom to fix my make-up. When I finally managed to stop crying, the song was already over and there was a break.
"Y/N?" Yoongi's voice echoed in the bathroom and I gasped in suprise. He walked closer to me and touched my shoulder. "Are you alright?"
I nodded and smiled awkwardly. "Yeah, I'm totally fine it's just that I was a little taken aback because of the song.."
He looked at the ground for a few seconds and then made eye contact with me. "Yeah, it was hard for me and my family.. but right now, I have so many people rooting for me and I honestly feel alright. Please don't worry about me."
"Okay.. but if you ever need to talk, I'm right here." I reminded him.
Suddenly, he came closer and hugged me and I did the same. We both blushed but it felt really warm and comforting.
"Thank you." He said shyly after stepping back from the hug. "Same for you.. but let's not get sad now - next up is Agust D, prepare to witness actual fire."
I giggled and we left the bathroom, obviously feeling a lot better after the hug, heading back to the arena to enjoy the rest of the show.
For a minute or two, I was convinced that he also had feelings for me.. Could it be true?
A note: hellooooo everyone !! It's c and welcome back to the translator !! Like we said we will only update twice this week since D is at summer camp and we would like to continue together <3
Please continue supporting us !! We love you!
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