Chapter 2

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Day 1 in Pompeii:  We haven’t even been here for 5 minutes, and I am already dreading this vacation!  I’ve just married my husband Holten; he is a cruel millionaire, and I personally don’t like him.  Sure he may have charm and class, but he is always so full of himself, and using money for everything!  I know what you’re probably thinking: “Why did you marry him, if you don’t like him?” Well the truth is, I was forced.  

    “Emma!  Emma! We’re here!” said Holten excitedly.  He tried to grab his new wife’s hand to hold it, but she quickly pulled it away.  

The chariot that they were in, parked in front of a large cottage; where they’d be staying for their honeymoon.  

“Isn’t this place exquisit?” Emma’s mother asked from the frontward seating.

“I assure you it is Mrs. Sanderson,” Holten replied.  

“It doesn’t seem so grand,” Emma opinionated.

“Uh, you can be abrogating about some things Emma, but not about Pompeii!  It’s far more luxurious than any beach island you toss at me.” Holten told her.  

Emma sighed in response, and grabbed the chauffeur's lending hand to help her out of the chariot.   

Holten’s little man servant/guard, also known as Mr. Dunn, and the rest of the servants then arrived in another chariot.  Mr. Dunn and the chauffeur carried everyone’s luggage inside. Their maids, Trucy and Darcy, followed behind them.

“Ahh; isn’t this is amazing?” asked Holten.

“Yes, it truly is Mr. Caldwell,” Mrs. Sanderson answered.   

Emma stepped inside the house and trailed through the hallways.  Along them, paintings, vases, and other objects lined up the walls.  Emma noticed how different the designs and decor were from the ones in her hometown.   She then entered the temporary bedroom that she now shared with her husband. It was soon after that Holten followed her in.  

“I’m pretty sure that you and I can do something to make this vacation unforgettable,” he said.  Emma knew what he meant, and felt uncomfortable. Holten then wrapped his arms around Emma’s waist, and hugged her close from behind.  To please him so that he would go away; Emma turned around, and gave Holten a kiss on the cheek. She then pulled away from his grasp, and turned to leave.  Holten frowned as he watched his wife walk out the door.

Meanwhile, a young man who is about the same age as Emma, arrived at Pompeii looking for work, and a home to move into; from the third class part of town.  

“John, do you really think we can do this?”

“Of course we can Tommy!  I feel it this time!” John told his best friend.    

“Yeah, well that’s what you said the last 27 times,” Tommy stated to John.  

“Don’t worry Tommy.  We’ve got this!”

“Well what are we going to do until we find something?” asked Tommy.  

“Live out on the streets, I guess,” answered John.  

Tommy and John walked around for about 4 hours, getting to know the town, and trying to find a place to stay for the night.  Finally, they settled on a couple of park benches by the stream. “This’ll have to do for now,” said John.


    Morning came with a dull grayness, followed by heavy rain.  John and Tommy ran and took shelter in a nearby shop.

“Whooo, that’s some heavy rain out there,” John told the shopkeeper.  He just nodded in reply, and walked off to the back of the store.

“Aye, the man’s got quite a few nice things in here,” observed Tommy.  

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