Their first thoughts of you

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Scott: "Why are they looking at me like that? Well,they are kinda cute."

Stiles: "oh,did anyone see that? Oh,no they probably did. What do I do?"

Derek: " What is their problem? If they keep looking at me I'll rip their throat out."

Liam: "Wow,I guess Beacon Hills isn't as bad of a place I thought."

Issac: "Why are the walking towards me?"

Theo: "Is that (Y/N)? Wow,they changed a lot."

Kira: "Whats that? Why are they looking at me? Should I say something? What do I say?"

Allison: "I wonder what their name is?"

Malia: "I need help. Maybe they will help me with the work."

Lydia: "They are so annoying."

Ethan: "Wish I moved to Beacon Hills a long time ago. Everyone here is incredibly good looking. Especially (Y/N)"

Aiden: "(Y/N) looks surprised. I wonder why"

Brett: "Who's that? I'm going to introduce myself."

Jackson: "Why Are they glaring at me?"

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