Chains (The Pack)

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^^^literly the only lyrics for this imagine in this song are

"Got me in chains."
"Tryin' break the chains,but the chains only bring me,down."

You growled as the chains held you back

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You growled as the chains held you back. Stiles jumped back,shrieking.
"Okay! Well,(Y/N),is all chained up. We can go now. Watch some movie. Hey,Lydia you like the movie The Notebook right? Guys,let's do watch Lydia's favorite movie."

Everyone rolled their eyes as Stile started to pull Lydia towards the stairs.
"Stiles! Relax."

Your head titled up,facing them. As you muttered the words that seemed to calm werewolves down.

Soon you where back to yourself,you smiled at them
"So,what movie are we going to watch?"

The pack laughed while Stiles went on a rant about how crazy of an idea it was.



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