Host: hello everyone am sure you are excited for today's show. it will be fantastic and today we will be interviewing a group of five handpicked by Shawn Mendes and working on a new album original one being directed by Jack Wells, Nathan Kress and Zara Larson themselves ladies and gentlemen give it up for KAYTELA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(claps music as they come from the back greeting everyone and the absolute selfies and yeah everything about them is so cute.They are wearing same jackets with the words TEENAGERS ARE STRONGER THAN TEEN ISSUES at the back and soon they take their seats with Chad Allan and Martin on one while Jayden and Justin on the other)
Host :welcome guys good to see you
Allan:(high-fiving selena") what's up good to see you too (as the rest say hi and thanks to the applauses from the audience)
Chad:its amazing to be here
Martin:yeah so sick we appreciate it
Host: my daughter is obsessed with you guys and she is only ten she has this huge post of all of you that she looks at everytime before sleeping and she is like "I love you guys"
Allan : awww that's so cute
Justin: that's so beautiful what's her name?
Host: Chloe
Kaytela: we love you Chloe(as they blew kisses to her and everyone broke into a laugh)
Host: wow! You guys are adorable anyway you guys have been on tour and I hear it has been a complete success is that true?
Martin: ummm,,,,, yeah it is true like we said in previous interviews this was like our first solo tour with no celebrities engaged and its been overwhelming that even without original songs people just want to listen to us so that has been amazing we cant complain
Allan: yeah its been so overwhelming that everytime we get on stage am like oh my G!This is so,,,,, I don't even know what to say
Host: oh my that is so amazing and what about the awareness program
Justin: yeah you see this (turning to see the jacket) this is a program we initiated to help teenagers get through stuff. We realized that there were a lot of teen suicides especially in America and nobody does anything about it so we took it upon ourselves us also been teenagers to do that and its one of the fastest selling merchandise and that is so amazing
Host: wow! Word has it that it might also be inspired by your real life experiences
Jayden: and again I ask where do you guys get this information?(and people from the crowd laugh)I mean its like you have installed cameras all over our bodies
Host(laughing):okay okay then but I got a question to each and everyone of you are you okay with that?
Allan: you are making me nervous
Host:its not that bad
Kaytela: okay
Host: okay then we start with Allan,,,,, rumour has it that you are going to be soon on a nicklodean movie called victorious?
Allan: yeah that's true
Host: wow!that's huge!!!!
Allan: I know I thank God for everything and acting might be what I want to do
Host:is it true that your girlfriend is part of it?
Allan: yeah she is among the screenplay directors she is really good and amazing

SPRING CHANGE MODE(completed undergoing proofreading)
Teen FictionAn amazing band with alot of difficulties trying to tell their story behind all the glamour.A tough girl a hard nut to crack on the outside but soft on the inside.Meet Kaytela the band and the girl Jessica Parker. Resembling bands like one direction...