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Goku woke up still smiling. The tired little Prince he could now call his own was still sleeping, head pillowed on his chest and the rest of his body sprawled across Goku. He wanted so badly to stretch, but he knew that the movement would wake Vegeta. And he looked so peaceful... No, he could wait. Maybe Vegeta would wake up soon and he wouldn't have to disturb his sleep.

Speak of the devil. Vegeta shifted a bit and opened his eyes. He lifted his head, looking at Goku. "You're so loud," he said with a yawn. "I know you're not used to it yet, but try to keep it down in there." He tapped Goku's forehead.

Goku groaned aloud. The link! Vegeta could hear his thoughts as if he were talking! "I'm so sorry, babe. I forgot entirely."

"It's ok." Vegeta snuggled up to his mate again, but Goku's stomach growled. "Aw, come on. Kakarrot..."

"I can't help it," he laughed. "Hey, I'll come help ya for once. Ya feeling ok?"

Vegeta nodded, slowly getting up. He winced slightly. "Not as bad as I was fearing," he mused. "But still. I bet with the bond, you can feel it too?"

He was right; Goku did notice a dull throbbing in his lower half. "Huh. So we both feel pain if one of us is hurt?" he asked. Vegeta tried to get up and leave, but Goku caught him by the waist, pulling him into a hug. "Nah ah ah. I wanna cuddle some more." He dragged a laughing Vegeta back down.

Vegeta turned to face him, smiling. He chuckled. "Baka," he murmured, running a thumb over Goku's cheek. Within moments they were deep in a slow, luxurious kiss. It wasn't lust- yet- just a passionate affection. But Vegeta felt that growing desire in Goku's mind and knew it was time to stop. "Just because we're mates doesn't mean you get to fuck me whenever you want," he laughed. He got up and left a whining Goku on the bed. "You survived long enough without me. I think you can tolerate a few hours in between." And with that, he was gone.

Goku watched after him with narrowed eyes, then brightened. He'd said a few hours! That meant after breakfast. Goku laughed wickedly and rolled off the bed.

~Timeskip brought to You by Goku's adorable attempt to be evil XD~

Vegeta was finished long before Goku. He watched him eat for a few minutes, simply reading the signals Goku was loudly letting off. He was eager to get finished and even more eager to get back to bed. Vegeta rolled his eyes. "Kakarrot, slow down, you baka. You're going to choke yourself."

"I'm hungry," was what Goku replied with. He was about to take a huge bite of his breakfast when Vegeta's hand landed on his wrist, stopping him. Goku blinked and lowered his hand. "Yes, Geta?"

Vegeta sighed and took his fork. He cut the bite in half, feeding it to Goku, who meekly accepted it. Vegeta fed him another bite, and another. Goku thought that Vegeta's eyes looked a little funny as he did so, almost... blue. Blue? Goku had a sudden flashback of the time that Vegeta had not changed from his nightly form, and saw the same blue eyes gazing at him now. He took another bite. How had Vegeta gotten onto his lap...? The fork clattered to the table and Vegeta's hands buried themselves in his hair. Goku yelped slightly when Vegeta's mouth attacked his.

Goku shuddered. He could feel something deep inside him, some dark and animalistic part of him, rear up its head. Trusting his instincts, he let go. A deep growl erupted from his throat the moment he did. Vegeta snarled right back and kissed him with new vigor. They both gasped when the chair almost tipped backwards. It had done the trick and knocked them out of that state.

Vegeta blushed darkly, sitting back. He made no movement, however, to get off Goku's lap. Goku kissed him softly and moved his fingers to his forehead. In a flash they were back in their bed. Vegeta found himself slammed down and looking into golden eyes. He sighed. "You're so beautiful," he whispered. "How was I ever lucky enough to get you?"

"Don't know," purred his mate. He placed a wet, hot kiss to Vegeta's mouth. "But you're the beautiful one..." He leaned down and whispered in Vegeta's ear. "Especially when I've got my fingers deep in your ass and I find just the right spot..." Vegeta moaned softly. Goku pulled down Vegeta's pants, smirking as he kissed the throbbing tip of Vegeta's length. Vegeta let his head fall back with a growl. "You know... I wonder how much of this big thing I could take."

Vegeta's head snapped up and he looked at Goku, completely attentive now.

Goku grinned. He sucked gently on the tip, slowly sinking down inch by inch. Vegeta couldn't seem to tear his eyes away; he watched more and more of his member vanish into Goku's hot mouth, eyes lidded as he panted. Goku managed not to choke when it hit the back of his throat. He heard Vegeta moaning and swallowed more. His eyes watered from his throat being stretched like this. He couldn't breathe- Goku pulled up for a sharp gasp of air before going right back down. He wanted to impress Vegeta.

Vegeta was already definitely impressed. It was no small feat to fit most of a ten and a half inch dick down your throat, yet Goku had done so almost easily. His mouth was so wet and hot. He could barely stand it. Vegeta closed his eyes and simply could not find the strength to open them, even when he felt Goku's mischievous tongue stroke the base of his length. He whimpered loudly, however, to make sure Goku knew he was enjoying it.

Goku reached to the side. He found Vegeta's tail, ruffling and massaging the fur. Vegeta groaned at the sensations fluttering through his body, and Goku could feel it too. He purred and the rumbling sent shudders of pleasure all through Vegeta. The Prince moaned. If Goku kept it up, he'd cum in no time. "Kaka... Kakarrot... M- More..." He fought to keep himself still so he wouldn't choke his mate. It was so hard though.

Goku was pleased with Vegeta's reactions. He was steadily losing control and that excited him even more. He groaned at a particularly strong spike of pleasure coming from Vegeta. Yeesh, this was going to make him cum. He came up for a much needed breath and panted, staring up at Vegeta. The look was so hot that Vegeta couldn't wait any longer. He yanked Goku up and kissed him deeply. Goku climbed over him, slowly pushing in. He pulled almost all the way out then slammed back in. Vegeta gasped. They eased into a rhythm that was perfectly maddening.

Goku captured Vegeta's mouth with his own, hitting that spot deep inside him that made Vegeta spasm with pleasure and groan loudly for more. And Goku was not about to deny him anything, so he held his little mate down for better leverage and thrust into him harder. Vegeta was a mess, drowning in bliss. It wasn't long before Vegeta thrashed under him, screaming his name; Goku found his pleasure nearly in the same moment. They kissed hungrily, sated though their needs were.

Goku sat back and smiled at Vegeta. When his little Prince joined him, they cuddled close and licked gently at each other's scars. "I love you," Goku breathed. "More than anything."

"I love you more," Vegeta chuckled softly.

"No. I love you most."

Vegeta caught Goku's face with his hands and set his forehead against Goku's. "And I love you... more than most."

*And so ends this tale. I hope everyone enjoyed this! I apologize deeply for my lengthy absences and how long it took to complete this book. Thank you to all my readers for your support!*

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