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"Star, something bad is gonna happen, I can feel it." Queen spoke to her daughter, Star furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Do you know what?" She questioned. The Queen shook her head sadly, " Sadly, No... I don't. But I know it's not good and it's gonna happen soon."

Earlier today

Star's POV:

We laughed as we headed to our favorite ice cream parlor where we use to go together.

Marco just told the most cringey joke I have ever heard. He was arguing how it was actually a good joke and I was saying how it was just, no.

"Hello!" An employee greeted happily when we walked in. We walked to where they serve ice cream and wanted a little til it was our turn.

The ice cream server looked at us when it was our turn, waiting for us to order.

"I would like a vanilla in a cup, one scoop." Marco ordered. She scooped vanilla and put it in the cup, then looked at me. "I would like a strawberry, with fudge on it. In a cone. Also one scoop." I ordered. She prepared the ice cream, handed it to me, then we walked to the cash register.

"That would be five dollars and twenty eight cents." She said. Marco handed her the money and got a few cents if change then got a spoon.

"You guys make a cute couple by the way." She said with a smile. Ugh not this again.

"We're not a couple." I told her feeling my cheeks heat up. She just kept her smile and went back to work.

We headed to the park to eat our ice cream calmly.

"I'm sorry Star." Marco sighed. He was sitting on a bench as I was laying down, my feet on his lap. I looked at him confused, "For what?" He ran his free hand down his face as the other had his cup of ice cream. "For leaving you. I still feel bad, I broke the promise." He sighed again. I smiled, "Marco it's fine. You're making up for it, and it means a lot. I understand why you did it, she's the girl of your dreams." I pained me to say the last part for some odd reason. He looked at me and gave me a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.

"We should start heading home." Marco stated once we finished our dessert, dropping my feet off his lap and standing up. "Rude." I mumbled and stood up also hearing him chuckle at my comment.

I felt my cloud purse vibrate. I scrunched up my eyebrows and looked through and saw my mirror phone vibrating and lighting up. I pulled it out and saw it was my mom.

I sighed and answered it. "Hey Mom."

"Star, i've been calling you in your mirror. Where are you?" She said. I shrugged, "Just been out."

"Well Star hurry and call me on your mirror. I have something important to tell you." She urged then hung up.

Marco and I looked at each other confused. I shrugged then grabbed his wrist. "Come on."

We ran all the way to the house. It wasen't far, so that was good.

I rushed upstairs to my room, Marco close behind me, and went strait to my mirror.

"Call mom."

"Calling mom." The robotic voice of my mirror dialed, soon enough my mother was on the screen.

"Star," she urged, you could sense worry in her voice. I furrowed my eyebrows, "What's up?"

"Star," She sighed, "Something bad is going to happen, I can feel it." She spoke. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "Do you know what?" I questioned. She shook her head, sadly. "Sadly, No... I don't. But I know it's not good and it's gonna happen soon." She answered. "And just because you feel it, you believe it?" I raised my eyebrows. My mom shook her head.

"It's not just that Star. There was a source of magic found and it's evil."

"It can just be Ludo and his goons." I reasoned.

She shook her head, again. "I don't think so and, even if it is there is someone more powerful with them." She said.

"And what do you want me to do about it?" I pointed at myself. "Well Star actually have you been using your wand?" She asked me. I scratched the back of my neck, "Yeah actually, I just started using it again yesterday."

She nodded, "Okay. I need you to be careful with it. They are gonna be tracking it down i'm positive." She informed me. "I know you're still strong with it. The more you use it, the more chance they have of finding it. Using it, would be a high risk."

I shrugged "I barely use it anyways."

She gave me a small smile, "Okay dear. Well I have to go. Good bye."

"Bye Mom."

And the call was ended.


I jumped a bit.

Oh rainbow unicorns, I forgot Marco was in here.


New update!!

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