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Marco's POV:

Star and I were walking back to our house for school. This week passed by quick, it was already Friday! I passed the week out with Star,band hung out with Jackie at school part of the time.
Hanging out with Jackie after school and everyday, just didn't have the... Well, the spark it use to have.

We had already gone shopping for clothes and everything we needed to go to the party.

"Okay so Marco. I'm going to eat, then get ready." Star informed me. I got my phone out and looked at the time, it was four and the party starts at like eight.

"Now?" I scrunched up my eyebrows. "We still have four hours." I stated. She nodded and headed to the kitchen, "Yeah, but beauty takes time." She replied.

She was already beautiful, I don't see why she has to take so much time.

I decided to not push it and change the conversation.

"So what we gonna eat?" I asked. She shrugged in response. "Well I was thinking something small, but not to small." She said. We both thought about it and both didn't say anything.

"You know what i'll make some eggs." She walked to the fridge and grabbed eggs and other ingredients.
"But aren't eggs for breakfast?" I questioned. She turned her head to look at me, "It doesn't have to be for breakfast." She stated while cracking the eggs. Well I guess she has a point, so i'm just going to let it slide.

She started making the eggs as I just sat there on the stool staring at her.
I felt weird since I only knew how to make nachos and couldn't help. Wait, when did Star learn how to cook?

"Hey Star?" I decided to ask her. "Hmm?" She hummed in response.
"When did you learn how to cook?" She continued making them adding a few things. "In my free time. I actually really like it." She responded, I nodded.

"And, done!"

She got two plates and put them on the counter.

"Okay I made the food you get the drinks." She told me while she sat down. I nodded and got up and headed to the fridge. I got two soda cans. I sat down and handed Star hers.

I brought my fork to my mouth and tasted the eggs. Oh. My. God.

"Star! This is delicious!" I exclaimed grabbing more and stiffing it in my mouth. She giggled, "Thank you. I try to be creative and add more things to the eggs, like cheese, and ham. Stuff like that."

We continued eating, I was enjoying every single bite.

"Okay, I'm going to go get ready. You're clothes are in your closet." She stood up and went to wash her plate.
She walked over and stood on the other side of the counter, pointing a finger at me.

"Don't wait till last minute to change." She told me in a stern voice. I held up my hands in surrender. "I won't."

She nodded, "You better." She started walking towards the stairs and went up.

To pass time I got on my phone. I didn't exactly know what to do in the next four hours.

I slammed my phone down on the counter. I am so bored, and it hasen't even been an hour.

I decided to go to my room to get my clothes and everything ready.

I opened my bedroom door and headed to m closer. My outfit for tonight was the first thing you could see. Star let me pick it out, well a little bit.

It was a red button up shirt with a white t-shirt and black jeans. It was like my daily casual outfit, except fancy looking.

My hairstyle was going to be the same, I couldn't think of another way to put it, and plus. I like my regular hairstyle.

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