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Star's POV:

"J-jackie?" Marco stuttered.

Everyone turned to look at us, well Marco.

"Marco," she nervously laughed but didn't move from Blake's arm. I always knew Jackie was no good.

"Jackie. Wh-why are you w-with him?" He asked. Jackie lost all nervousness and smirked.

"Oh Marco. You were going to find out someday, but I didn't know it would be this way." She chucked to herself.
"Listen, I never actually loved you. Heck you were never my type. I just got with you because I had to." She looked at her nails as if she was bored and this was all simple.

I was feeling furious. How could she do this to Marco!?!

He is such a cute, charming, nice, kind, sweet, guy.

Oh well, she didn't deserve him any ways.

"W-why did you have to get with me?" Marco asked. If you listened to his voice carefully, you could hear it have a teary tone. I walked up to him and put my hand on his shoulder.

"You don't need to know." Jackie simply stated.

I felt myself become even more angry.

"Just fücking answer Jackie. He has the right to know. You don't have to a fücking bïtch about it." I said in a deadly calm low voice. She gave out a chuckle, "Oh Star, you don't have to get all mean and feisty. I just didn't feel good with him anymore." She waved it off.

I took my hand off Marco's shoulder and started walking up to her, but I got held back when someone pulled my arm. I turned back to see Marco looking at me with his soft, sweet, looking face and tears in his eyes.

"Let's just go Star." He pleaded. I sighed. I didn't want to leave Jackie  'believing' she won or something, but I didn't want to argue with Marco. He really liked this girl.

"Fine." I gave up. I turned back to look at that bïtch with a glare. "This isn't over you bïtch." She just laughed and rolled her eyes.

"Hey, calm down." Marco pulled at my arm. I blew out a breath to calm down.
"Okay, let's just go." I said. We both started walking to the the exit when I heard someone yell making us stop.

"Hey Star! Wait up!" And running footsteps after us.
We turned around and saw Tom, Oskar, Ferguson, Alfonzo, Ponyhead, and Janna.

When they got to us, they smiled and Tom held up something in his hand.
The keys.

"Wait, I thought Oskar was driving." I tilted my head to the side a little. He chuckled, "Oskar's letting me drive."
I shook my head and smiled.
We all walked to the car and got in, then Tom started the car.

As he drove it was quiet. It wasn't quite awkward but it also wasn't comfortable.

We made it to our house and Tom parked in the driveway.
"We'll stay for awhile. We can have some fun of our own here." Tom said as we all started to get off.

Marco opened the door to the house and we all walked in.

"Okay, what should we do?" Marco questioned. We all stood silent, thinking.

"Let's built a fort!" I shouted happily. They laughed and nodded. "Okay let's built a fort. We'll have teams to make it fun." Janna said.
"Boys together, girls together." She added. Marco, Tom, Oskar, Ferguson, and Alfonzo got together leaving me, Janna, and Pony.

"Hey! But like isn't that like unfair or something." Pony stated. We all turned to look at Janna with a confused face but she just chuckled.
"Oh come on! We'll beat them in making it. I mean we are better." She smirked. Pony and I shared a look and smirked ourselves. "You're right Janna. Let's get started."

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