The Return Of The Eternals

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The Return Of The Eternals by Salintha is a book that you can tell the author spent many long hours working with, and was not something that the author just typed out while binge watching The Office, like cough-mebutIpromisenotduringthisreview-cough.
It's interesting, and very well written, so hats off to Salintha!
I'm not going to lie, it's not exactly the book I would have picked out for myself, but to be honest, I've been scrapped for time, and it just doesn't pull me into the book like other books do.
BUT, that is very much just me being me! It just wasn't my cup of tea, but I promise that has nothing to do with the book! I would totally recommend it to anyone looking for a good read! :)
The book is AMAZING, and I'm sorry that I couldn't enjoy it more, and honestly, I didn't read to far into it, so I'm sure it gets even better! :)
Your very apolgetic author,

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