Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Okay so I flipped.

How could I not have?

They crossed the limit, these people act like they have a sixth sense, and I think some are even spying on me since I’ve had them creep up on me about 19 times today.

So right now…I’m sitting in the worst place I could be right now, a place I have been warned of and forbidden from… I’m in detention! Aaron is so going to kill me, I won’t have a ride home either and it’s bad enough I have to share detention with that guy I bumped into yesterday. (Whose name I had learnt is Trent)

The teacher had left 5 minutes ago, excusing himself when a lady teacher had walked in and asked for his ‘help’. We could’ve left…too bad the asshole left a camera. Creep.

I crossed my arms as I sank into my chair, 15 minutes more.

Trent had cleared his throat and turned around, facing me. I looked up at the ceiling, ignoring him. "I'm Trent” he said, bringing his hand forward. I didn’t bother shaking it, or answering it. He slowly brought his hand back and rubbed the back of his neck. “So, you’re new?”

I rolled my eyes. “Am I?”

“I think we got off to a wrong start” he stated.

“Did we?” I replied, not bothering to make eye contact.

The teacher finally came in, letting us out early which I was kinda grateful for. I placed my bag on my shoulder as I started to walk out.

“Look, I’m sorry” Trent started.

I smirked with my back to him. “You’ll be sorry” After saying that, I walked out of the classroom, heading to the exit.

The cool breeze hit me as I walked outside; the gravel of the car park was crunching under my boots as I walked rapidly. Fortunately, I knew my way home…kinda, I used the Cannock Chase Forest to help me on my way around, of course grandpa’s house was opposite it and so was this street so I keep walking forward until I see his street. However…the Chase was taunting me today, it was trying to lure me in and it would’ve succeeded since I had crossed the road, now on the outside of the forest. Three more steps…and I’m in.

1… 2…3-


I turned around, my hair whipping around me in the process.

“Oh my god! Is that-? It is! It’s Melissa’s daughter!” a woman shrieked, I spotted an expensive-looking silver Mercedes making its way over to me. Melissa is my mom’s name so these people must know her.

“Hello?” I greeted but it came out more as a question. It was a woman with short raven black hair with warm brown eyes. She was beaming at me, flashing me her pearly whites. She seemed in her early 30s and was bursting with excitement. The man that was with her, seemed happy though not as ecstatic as the woman, he had dark brown hair with bright green eyes, both seemed to have tan skin and were around the same age.

The woman jumped out of the car, racing towards me. She placed her hands on my arms, and held me about an arm’s length away from her. “Allison Greta Sky?” she asked me, I internally groaned…I hated my middle name.

I nodded. “Yeah, that’s”-

I couldn’t finish my sentence as she bear-hugged me. I stood there, awkward as some random woman hugged my insides out. It got to a point where I was struggling to breathe.

“Kate, let her go, her face has gone red” the man said, who had also climbed out of the car. I wouldn’t be surprised if my face had gone red. I silently gasped for a breath and was attacked with another hug from the man, great I’m going to be kidnapped by a weird hug-loving couple. “She goes crazy when she gets a surprise”

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