Chapter 57

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"A sleepover is much more you than clubbing, 'Mione. Although bachelorette parties don't usually include work."

"Oh hush, Ginny. And fill up another treat bag while you are at it! The fun part is eating the candies. Pansy, is the checklist finished?" Hermione asked tossing more candies into little drawstring bags. Behind her Luna was absent minded my braiding her hair.

"Your cake- vanilla and almond, will be delivered at eleven. Draco's- chocolate and mint, will arrive before twelve. Both already have places in the kitchen and the house elves are ready to assist however necessary. All the white roses are in the drawing room and a third have been enchanted to a glimmering rose gold. You are packed for the honeymoon too. We decorated for the past three days and everything is perfect." Pansy said smiling patiently while nibbling on chocolate covered strawberries.

Narcissa had gone out of her way to make everything perfect for Hermione's bachelorette party. Including a cake that was in all actuality just an enormous cinnamon roll... solely because Hermione had enjoyed visiting Cinnabon in the United States.

The girls were going to watch movies later which Hermione was very excited for because neither Luna nor Pansy had ever encountered a television set and she knew they were going to be thrilled. The apartment had been prepared beautifully and comfortably, and even as stressed as she was Hermione was having a great time.

"Ready to tie the knot tomorrow?" Luna giggled as she knotted Hermione's hair.

"Readier than I ever have been to do anything. I thought I would be nervous, but I'm not. Just anxious. Sick of waiting."

"How about morning tea with Molly and Narcissa?" Pansy asked quietly.

Hermione pauses before she spoke.

"There is a lot of family pride and prejudice between the two. But Molly is the closest thing I have to a mother until I find my own. And Narcissa will be my new mother as of tomorrow. I think that this is what we need to finally truly end the strife between the families."

"I think you are right." Ginny said closing her final treat bag.

"Mom is going to be stiff at first I warn you. But I know you two can melt her. When she isn't near Lucius, Narcissa is one of the warmest and most charming people I've ever encountered."

"She will be happy to hear that... so... what movie would you like to watch first?" Hermione switched the topic over. The girls all looked on with interest.

Ginny got to giggling.

"Please. That one we watched in the States while the boys were on the beach... "Something About Mary."

Hermione grinned. It was a new movie and a very funny one.

"Perfect, Gin. Everyone grab some cake and move into the living room!"

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