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"Okay class, I am going to assign you, your new partners." Mrs. Dodd told all of us, i just ignored and was just thinking of college and guys.

mostly guys.....

"Jake Bramlett, and Willow Murray... over here." she told us i got up and sat down in my chair not really caring about my partner. Jake, sounds like a douche bag. she did the rest of the class and then told us to talk to our partners to get to know them, i turned around to see my partner, and of course that hat caught my eyes, i look down to see his Asking Alexandria shirt, he hasn't noticed me either which when he turns around to see me his eyes wide and mine are too. "Wow didn't think douche bags like you actually stay in class." i greeted with a smile. "Didn't know there was such an emo girl like yourself even living." he greeted back with his smirk, i gave a fake laugh, " I didn't think douche bags like yourself actually gave compliments like those, that actually made my dark, cold, broken heart actually beat for a second."

" I saw you talking to my brother out in the hall," He Changed the subject quickly which made me get quickly interested, " He stole your notebook I saw, I couldn't hear what he said, do you mind if I ask what he said?"

"Wait your brother? Xander Price? brother? your joking right?" I asked in complete shock they can't be biological brothers. "Step brothers, we're step brothers, little secret my mom is just using his dad for the money..." He trailed off which his eyes started going down to the ground, my mind started blowing up with questions, like why would he tell me that secret? "Question why would you tell me that? I mean you just met me like just this morning-"

"Hey Jake i got your money you needed." Jake turned around and faced the other student, the student handed him the envelope, Jake nodded and grabbed the envelope, he opened it up and counted the cash, he put the envelope in his pocket, and now i am a cat that is curious to why he has that much money. "Do you have a job?" i asked he looked up from his pocket, " Yeah i have a buisness." he answered simply. " would you mind letting me in, i need some extra cash right now for college?" i asked, i actually did need some cash for this dress i wanted, I needed a dress for the prom, i have some cash but i just need like maybe a hundred bucks. "Yeah there will be a backbag right by your locker after school, take it, you'll find that guy that gave me the envelope, give him that bag, then find me at four at the basketball court, not a minute later, not a minute early, exactly four." he explained i nodded for accepting.


i walked to my locker, and saw a back bag right there laying on the ground againest my locker, i put my gym shoes in my locker, I closed my locker, grabbed my and the other bag with me, i walked outside and saw envelope boy waiting by the stop sign, i walked over to him, he stood silently waiting for the bookbag, i handed him the bag and turned around and was walking away.

"Wait, Willow..."


" Why did you take this job? you're a good girl not a bad one, leave now, while you have the chance, before you get your mission. go run!" he stuttered and pushed me away towards the road, i didn't keave any questions i just ran, but i ran in a circle to Jake, i need the money really bad cause i know my mom won't give me money.

i was at the basketball court right then and saw jake, he noticed my breathless self, "I know i am a hot guy but you didn't have to run to me.." he smirked i rolled my eyes, "Oh please. you wish i was on top of you i bet." i don't think he would like me on top of him, in fact he would probably barf on me from my ugliness, " I loved that, you on top of me..." he smiles, i look straight into his eyes and i see it, he ain't lying, i started faking a laugh with wide eyes, i looked down at my feet in awkwardness, i could feel heat coming closer to my body, his thumb holding my chin pulling me up to face him, "Do you believe me?" He whispered i don't believe him and i'll probably never will. " I can't believe anything at the moment," i whispered back, "We have a job, and i need to know my mission. what is it?" he drops his hand from my chin, and backs away.

"right, meet me tomorrow at four in the morning, don't be late.." i nodded and walked away. i stopped walking when he said, "You shouldn't believe those people that called you fat, or ugly, cause your beautiful..."

i held back my tears when the flashbacks started coming back to me, Willow no crying, not now, wait till you get to home then you burst out crying. i flipped around and walked right to him, "How did you know about?" he bit his lip, as if holding back something, something i need to know about at this moment. i was losing my patiences quickly. Jake wasn't saying anything, i grabbed his collar of his shirt and pushed him up on the school buiding, "How did you know?" i demanded. he didn't even blink when his body collided with the building, " i know your dad, okay? he told me what happened, i was a bartender and he was wasted, i was asking questions like do you have kids, he then told the whole story, of you and him, all the happy times, the sad times, the times where i wanted to punch him in the face, the times of him when he did wrong, everything. he then told me how he can only see you through facebook, how he saw you change through photos, he gave me this photo of you of before he ditched you. before you turned into this beautiful Willow, that is in love with music. He knew you would love music, he didn't know what kind but he knew. He knew you would love writing the moment he laid eyes on you. He gave me your Mom's number, the next day i called her and asked if i could speak to her, she said yes. i met up with her and she told me everything about you. and i mean everything, she told me about your X, what he did to you, at least all you told her, i know you didn't tell her everything, you can tell me anything. I'd rather you tell me now before your mission comes..."

at this moment my knees were giving out on me, and i had to sit down on the school's bench, i could feel the tears quickly falling from my eyelashes, i tried hiding the fact that i was crying, i was looking down to the ground trying as hard as i can from crying loud. "What did she tell you about him?" I asked almost in a whisper.

"she told me that you were dating a guy, and she thought he was a nice guy. she was secretly hoping he wouldn't be like your dad, she found you on the ground, you were crying bloody murder, but you didn't say in details what he did only what he said... We all secretly know what happened, but we are quiet about it cause we know you'll break again like you did the last time, trying to commit suicide, yeah she knows about it, she broke like you did too.

That was why she left for acouple weeks to get away from everything, she wasn't trying to leave you, like he did... She was trying to find a distraction for herself. she loved you-"

"yeah Loved not love, she doesn't anymore she loved the little girl who was smiling in every picture, not the girl who doesn't like the camera close to her face. she knew i changed from the experience, she knew it too well."

I had enough, i'm done. i got up, and started walking away, then quickly started running, i kept running, and running, and running, until i stopped to sit down on a bench right next to my bus stop. i grabbed my phone and earbuds, put the music on shuffle, shoved the earbuds in my ears and listened to Breathless slowly comes on.

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