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"You fucking say that again I'll shoot her!" Draven yells to Cheyanne. He has a gun to Hope's head.

"Lets just calm down buddy." Cheyanne says to him.

"Stop treating me like a machine! I'm alive! Im just like a human!" Draven yells. "Humans only know violence. I'll show you violence." He pulls the trigger. Hope falls to the ground.
"You failed. You can't expect the same situation every time." Draven tells the class.

He's been teaching for a week and a half, with no call for negotiations. Life was easy for once. Life didn't throw him new trauma or put his mind deeper into an abyss. Life was calm. Life was smooth.

"If you approach every maverick with speaking down on them it will cause them to execute the hostage. Words like buddy or talking to them in a strange voice demeans them, and you don't want that. Has the whole class demonstrated already?" He asks about the presentations they've been giving. He tasked them to handle negotiations he sets up and critiques their performance.

"I haven't." Tony says standing.

"Hope, be my hostage again please." Draven tells her. She gets up and scoffs at him, but proceeds to stand behind Draven.

Draven pulls a fake gun from his holster and places the gun to her head.

"Stop where you are." Draven tells Tony.

"Alright, alright." Tony says putting his hands up. "I just want to talk."

"There's nothing to talk about! Humans hate us!"

"Yeah they do, but there's no need to kill one for other people's hate." Tony argues.

"Are you arguing with me?!" Draven yells.

"No, no! I'm simply stating that humans do hate androids and you were right!"

"That means you hate me!" Draven yells. "Well I hate you!" He draws the gun to Tony and pulls the trigger letting the pop of the cap gun go off. "You failed too."

"This is bullshit man there's no way to win!" Tony says walking to his seat.

"Negotiating isn't winning." Draven replies as Hope goes to sit down at her seat. "Negotiating someone's life isn't a game, Tony."

"I know. I'm sorry." Tony replies. Tony is the loudmouthed smartass of the class.

"You want to 'win'?" Draven asks. "Tony get down here. You're Hope's hostage."

They both stand and Hope takes he cap gun from Draven and Tony gets on his knees. Hope puts the gun to his head.

"Scenario?" Draven asks Tony.

"She's my sex bot." Tony smiles.

"Get the fuck out my class." Draven tells him.

"What?" Tony says shocked.

"Get the fuck out of here right now. I'm not dealing with a child." Draven tells him. Tony stands and stomps out of class. "Now does anyone want to see a demonstration of what hopefully turns out successful?" Cheyanne raises her hand and walks down. She is the hostage.

"She's my bodyguard who I let get shot for fun." Cheyanne says.

"Hi miss." Draven says to hope.

"What do you want? I already said I'm not giving her up." Hope says back.

"I just want to talk." Draven says sincerely.

"I'm not letting her go."

"That's fine." Draven replies. "I'm not here for her anyways."

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