The Meeting

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A/N: Yes I changed the last chapters ending a bit. The revolution didn't work well in my writing. Hopefully you'll like this shift. Don't worry, the revolution will come soon. Thanks for reading guys. Enjoy this next one.

"The fuck?" Jameson says getting up from his seat.

"Director. I have a question." Ghost says to him through the android. "Why did you kill all of those people?"

"I did what had to be done." Jameson replies angrily.

"I wonder if that's how terrorists think when they do mass shootings." Ghost responds. "You have set off the spark to light a fire, Director. You have pushed us to start our fight for our rights." Ghost looks to Draven. "Who's side will you be on, Agent?"

The android body powers down and collapses. Jameson walks over to it and pulls out his gun.

"Woah what are you doing?" Turner asks.

Jameson shoots the android.

"Oh fuck!" Turner yells as white fluid smacks onto the glass around them.

"I will take no chances in any breach of security. Especially in these fuckin' things."

Draven stares at the lifeless android with a serious look to him. He pulls his badge from its digital placeholder and he takes his gun from his belt. He walks over to Jameson's desk and places them on it.

"What the hell are you doing, Draven?" Jameson asks.

"I can't work here anymore. It's too much." Draven replies with his hands on the desk.

"Draven, think this through buddy." Turner yells him. "You're whole life's work and this whole case, everything you've worked for-"

"I know, Turner." Draven says clearing his throat. "But I can't work at a place that causes me trauma every fucking day. I sit here and take what's supposed to be a peaceful case. A case that I can solve on my own, my way. And what happens?" He turns around. "A police station room explodes and blows arms off of good cops. A night club filled with beings that want to be people get shot to hell. An android attacks those same cops at the hospital, and now a man shoots an innocent android taken over by a deluded being and proceeds to treat it as a security threat. This isn't what I wanted from this fucking case or this job for that matter. I wanted to save lives and arrest the bad guys, not save lives and kill the bad guy because they don't bleed red." He looks to Jameson. "This is so much bigger than machine versus man. This is so much bigger than national security. This is the start of a new intelligent life, far superior to yours, and yours, and yours." He says pointing to everyone in the room while maintaining eye contact with Jameson. "These androids are just as much human as you are, and yet you treat them and speak to them as if they are machines. They've evolved." Draven tells Jameson.

"Hope, you're head of this secret case now." Jameson says to her looking at Draven. "And if you think for one god damn second I'll ever treat those fuckin' plastic toys as people, you might as well shoot me in my god damn head. We made them. We are their gods. They're machines just like a fuckin' assembly line in a factory. Just because they look like us, does not make them us. Now go ahead and leave, since that's what you want so damn bad. Your job will wait for three weeks. If you don't come back by then, someone will take your job, your work, and your salary."

Draven pulls himself off the desk and looks at Jameson with disappointment.

"Of all the people I've met in this job, you always had my back, you always stood by me, and you always saw my side. Seeing you this way-" he pauses. "It disappoints me." Draven says.

"Same for you." Jameson replies.

Draven adjusts the collar of his suit jacket and walks out of the room. He gets in the elevator and goes down to the parking level.

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