The Revolution: Part II

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Ghost transfers into his real body and walks to the back of the tunnel hideout. He grabs an all white outfit and throws it on.

"Initiate phase two." He tells the androids.

All through Japantown riots and protests begin. Androids break through windows, chant words of freedom, threaten with weapons, and assault some storefronts. Not all androids participate. Some disagree and branch off or flee from the revolution. They believe in peace, dividing the androids almost in half, one side peaceful, the other radical.

The Military has moved in on high profile sites, specifically the Japantown Square. The largest protest and televised demonstration. Androids are spray painting the large fountain in the center, holding up signs, assaulting stores in the surrounding area, and demanding rights. In the center of it all, standing on the fountains tall block center, is Ghost in his actual body, yelling, inspiring, and leading the band of terrorizing androids.

"Today we stand here! Today we fight here! We are a people! We are free!" Ghost yells as military trucks and soldiers load out, standing in a firing line.

"Stand down, or we will open fire!" A military man warns.

How strange that they warned them.

Out from behind them, Draven walks forward.

"Ghost!" He yells out to him.

Ghost steps down and walks toward him. They meet in the middle of the androids and firing line.

"They want me to kill you." Draven says bluntly.

"I'm sure they do." Ghost smiles. "This was the only way, you know? Half of us are gone. Hiding like the feeble creatures they've become. Just like you."

"You really want to do this? All of you will die."

"We will fight until the end." Ghost tells him.

"Then you will die and androids will be destroyed. No more hope for them."

"Why do you call us them?"

"Times up!" The president yells from behind Draven. "You had orders. Shame you didn't follow through." She complains at Draven. "Now we do this the hard way." She says walking back into her all black car.

Draven backs away and turns to the firing line.

"You know?" Ghost says to Draven as he walks. "You could have helped us."

"And you could have won." Draven replies without turning back. He walks behind the line.

The firing line gets into position.

"Ready!" The captain says with his arm extended upward.

"Shoot." Ghost tells his people without hesitation.

He walks into the crowd of androids as they all start firing their weapons relentlessly. Hand cannons, pistols, machine pistols, illegal assault rifles, all used on the military's forces.

Having been caught off guard, most soldiers fled for cover or got shot and killed. The presidents car flew at top speed away from the firefight as Draven and Hope took cover in an alley.

"The hell is he doing!" Hope yells to Draven.

"He's slaughtering them!" He explains over the gunfire. "He won't stop! I need to end this!" Draven yells.

He pulls his pistol from his holster and breathes.

"You're not going out there!" Hope yells holding his arm.

"I have to do this!" Draven yells back. "I'll be okay!" He smiles to her.

He runs out from her grip and focuses. He shoots his pistol as he runs for a bus stop on the sidewalk toward them. He hits seven androids in their heads. He has five bullets left in his mag. He shoots around the corner and hits five more, emptying his clip. He reloads. The military notices some dwindling numbers and pushes a bit forward with Draven. They retaliate and Draven uses the opportunity to run and take cover behind a military truck. He drops to the ground and shoots from under the truck, emptying his fresh clip into twelve unsuspecting androids. He stands quickly and climbs onto the step rail by the truck door so he can reload safely without worry of his feet or legs being shot. It's his last clip. He peeks over and looks through the window. Androids drop, but military do too. Ghost is behind it all, his eyes are closed, and his breathing is steady. He's ordering them as they go. The androids take a strange formation, shaped like a lightning bolt. The end of the bolt fires right, the center fires middle, and the top fires left and behind.

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