Chapter One

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OK so I wrote a story a while ago but i dint like it so deleted it so I'm going to try this again.

Please tell me what you think.


I had the perfect life. Perfect family, perfect girlfriend, perfect house I was even voted most popular. Everything I wanted I got.

But everything has to end right? So this is my story. I must warn you its defiantly not a fairy tale its of the time I fell in love with someone I couldn't have. or so I thought.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

I woke up to the sound of rain hitting my window seal. As i sit up in my bed a big rush of pain shoots from my arm to my whole body. I look down to see 10 or 15 red stripes through out my whole arm and i instantly regretted it I don't know why i ever did this. as that thought left my mind my drunken asshole of a step-dad busted through my door. 'that's why'. " its only 9 am and your already drunk ...big surprise" my voice dripping with venom. "w-what did you say to m-me you dirty f-faggot" his speach obviously slurred. "you reek of booze. and I said you are drunken asshole" did I just say that out load before I could think any thing of it his fist connected with my jaw and the pain was intense. "that will teach you, you bloody cocksucker" and he stumbled out my door.

Well that was a great way to start my first day back at school.

I got dressed and ran down stairs to the asshole on the couch. 'he is so pathetic' I thought to my self. I went into the kitchen to see my mom cooking breakfast facing away from me. I walked up behind her and tapped her on the shoulder she only jumped but did not turn around. "mom" no res-ponce "MOM" I grabbed her arm and turned her around to see the colors black and blue covering her eye. 'oh hell to the no'. I was furious you can hit me all you want but once your hand connects with my moms face. Game over.

He was going to pay! Not right now but he will pay for the way he has fucked my family up!

I looked into her painful eyes and instantly became angry. Angry at him for causing my mom so much pain. "wh-who did this to you?" I questioned. "no one honey just,just forget about it" she said sweetly. How could you possibly do this to someone like my mom she is so sweet. She isn't the same anymore she is distant. She isn't her care-free self that would take me to get ice cream on the weekends and would have game night with me on Wednesdays. When she met Robin he want like this he was actually a really good guy and I actually enjoyed having him over. It all started maybe a month after they got married. They got into a huge argument about money and he slapped her across the face. Me being 11 Ididn't know what to say or do. We have lived with this maniac for 5 years, 5 unbearable terrifying years. "Harry." I was snapped out of my thoughts by my sweet mother looking at me with that bruise that, that asshole gave to her. "Yea?" i asked. "everything is OK" how could she possibly say that when that fat piece of shit is sitting in there on our couch, eating our food, breathing our air! "Mom how can you say-" "we will talk about it after school, Niall is here to pick you up" "OK but we will talk about this after schhol!"  I demanded. I walked out the kitchen to see robin still on the couch watching tv. I pick up my book-bag and run out into the rain to my awaiting car.

I hope this day gets better. If only I knew how much better this day could get.

I got into my best friend Niall's car. Who am I kidding my only friends car. He was the only person who did not leave me after i came out to the school he actually accepted it rather quickly. The reason is probably that we have known each other since he moved here from Minnesota. So he has this weird but really cute accent. " so how was your morning?" he asked "I've had better" "oh well i heard we were getting a new kid today hes from England I think his name is Louis." We live in a very small country town so a new student news and everyone wants to be friends with him for the first week he is here and then he is on his own to fend for him self. "wait where did you say he was from?" "England is what I heard" oh shit I love a guy with an accent i wonder if he is cute. oh what if hes gay and we grt together and get marri- wow i havent even met the boy and im talking about marraige. What is wrong with me? "HARRY!" "wh-what?" why is Niall yelling " you keep staing off into space what do you keep thinking about" ' og nothing much im just thinking about marring a guy i havent even met or seen no big deal' " umm nothing." "Yea ok I will pretend to believe hungry?" Of course he is hungry. "umm sure yea I an eat."

One Thing!(AU) Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now