Chapter Seven!

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Harry POV

I awake to a high pitched beeping, my eyes flutter open, as I look around I notice that I'm not in my room where my orange wall use to be is replaced by an eerie white, my comfortable bed is replaced by a hard uncomfortable one. I look over to the side of my bed to see my mom asleep in a chair beside my bed.

Then it hits me, Louis was shot and it was all my fault and we were in the ambulance and... and his heart stopped. At that thought I broke down he was gone the only person that understood me and genuinely loved me was gone and he was'nt coming back. I stared tugging at the IVs when I got them off i jerked off my heart monitor only to be followed by an ear piercing alarm. Nurses rushed in and my moms head shot up only to be met with my tear streaked face and frantic eyes.

"Honey, your awake!" my mother exclaimed and threw her arms around me. She let me go to only look into my eyes her once Happy eyes turned into one of sympathy and sorrow. She sat back down in her chair to make room for the nurses who came over and explained that I had a panic attack and that I should be OK as long as I kept it easy and did'nt do anything to extreme. The nurses soon left and it was just me and mom.

"W-wheres L-Louis" I asked between sobs. She looked down to her lap and stared playing with the hem of her blouse.

"Where is he!" I asked more stern. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes and with that a new wave of tears racked through my body.

" Harry he is in a coma and there not sure if he's ever going to wake up. I'm so sorry." At those words I felt my hurt fall through to my chest and I let a strangled sob. She looked back down to her shirt. "This is all my fault Robin hurting you, if I just would have left him, you and Louis would be OK." she said with mascara streaking down her face I could'nt help but get up and run into her arms and bury my face in the crook of her neck and just cry.

"Don't you dare say that, it is not your fault it is all Robins HE did this he hit us and HE  shot Louis , but he is gone now cause he finally realised how much of a monster he is, so we don't have to worry about him anymore." I looked into her eyes and gave a very weak smile.

"Thanks sweetie." She gave a small smile and kissed the top of my head.

"C-can I see him?" I asked unsure of my own voice witch was now rough and vulnerable.

"I dont know if that such a good idea ,sweetie" She said shaking her head.

"Mom, please I need to see him he needs me right now and I need him!" I said frantically.

"You really do love him don't you?" She asked looking into my eyes.

"Love doesn't even begin to describe how much I care about him!" I said looking straight back into her shimmering green eyes.

"Then go and don't you dare let him go!" She said trying to look stern but failing when a smile broke threw her face.

I smiled back gratefully and got out of the hospital bed and grabbed my clothes and ran to the bathroom. I shut the door and slid the hospital gown off my body and slid my skinny jeans on the followed by my white t-shirt that hugged my torso.

I walked out the bathroom to see Anne and a woman that I did'nt recognise.

I shut the door to have both of there eyes on me.

"Harry this is, Jay, Louis' mother.


I know this chapter wasn't very good but I haven't uploaded in awhile so I needed to so here it is and I am sorry I haven't been uploading in awhile I have been so busy with school and modeling and acting classes. So sorry but I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and tell me what you all thought.

One Thing!(AU) Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now