Chapter Eight!

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But enjoy the story and the song is Cold Coffe by Ed Seeran!


"This is Jay Louis' mother" my mom said motioning to the woman who did look like an older girl version of Louis, but as my eyes met hers it did'nt have the same effect as he had on me as her sons did it did'nt make me week in the knees, it did'nt make my hurt hit my throat, and it did'nt make the butterflies in my stomach throw a rave party.

I soon found my self running torwards her and throwing my arms around her skinny form begging for forgivness with fresh tears in my eyes.

"I-I am s-so s-sorry, I-Its all my f-fault" I said burying my face into the woman who brought the love of my life into this world, and just knowing that might be the reason he got taken from made a whole new wave of tears rack through my body. She puts her hands on my chest and pushs me back to look into my eyes and I can tell shes been crying.

"Sweetie it is not your fault none of this, I know you would never do anything to hurt Louis and he would never to hurt you." she says giveing me a weak smile before wipeing away a stray tear from her face. I pull her in for a hug and that is the moment when I realiase Louis actually took a bullet for me to save my life.

''Oh, and one last thing'' I hear her say so I pull away and look back at her tear streaked face and cerulen blue eyes. I give her questioning look. 

"You deffintally have permission to date my son" She says giveing me a smile that tells me her words are true and with those words a whole new wave of tears come, but these are a mixyure of joy and sorrow.

"Well would you like to come see him" she asks.

I nod slowly like a child on there first day of school. She grabs my hand and we walk out of the room.

We walk past door after door of rooms until we come to a elevevator. 

I feel the eleavator jolt and start moveing upwards. 

"How is he?" I ask Jay.

"He is in a comma but the doctors think he can still hear us and feel whats going on and they say he should wake up soon" She says with a beaming smile.

"Thats gre-" But that is all I could get out before the ground under my feet evaporated into thin air and I fell to the ground followed by a blood curdling scream and crach then siclence darkness.


Wow sorry for the cliff hanger there but this is not going to be like a normal Larry story there is alot of drama I have planned.I'm sorry please don't hate me. But incase you dont understand what just happended the elevator they were in fell. I should be able to update again today if not i'll update next week.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2012 ⏰

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