Chapter Five!

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OK so I'm going to be starting school soon so I'm not going to be able to post that much but I will try my best to keep this updated.

Well enough of me talking and on with the story!

And I dedicated this to RulerOfAllNingas beacause she helped me get over writers block on this so THANK YOU.


I am awoken from my sleep from the screeching of my alarm clocking telling me its time for me to back to my own personal hell. My dreams were filled with Louis and me, we were happy there was no Robin and no Zayn or Liam. Just me, my mom and Louis. We were happy. Something that could only be in my dreams cause lets face it I honestly don't deserve to be happy.

Then I remembered what I promised myself last night. I will get out of this! I am tired of Robin and his bullying. I will be with Louis, Robin will not stop me! I pull myself up from my bed and go towards the bathroom. I peel off my boxers and jump into the shower and just stand there for a little and think about how I am going to get away from this. If I leave then what about my mom? She would then get all of Robins anger. I immediately push that thought out of my mind I will not leave my mom! So that only leaves one option and that's to stay here and fight. The question is how? Yea sure Robin is'nt the strongest man, but still he can put up a pretty good fight.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a banging on the bathroom door "HURRY UP YOU DIRTY FAGGOT, YOUR GOING TO BE LATE!" Robin roared. Why the hell does he even care it's not like he actually cares about me going to school. I quickly wash my hair and body and get out of the shower and dry off. I walk into my room and pick out some sweat pants and a t-shirt. My phone buzzes to life on my night stand with out looking I pick it up and answer it.

"Hello?" All I can hear is what sounds like soft crying and sniffling.

"Hello?" I ask again.

"Niall t-told me ab-about your step-dad" Then he broke off into a sob. It was Louis.

"I a-am so sorry"he whispered.

"Why are you sorry?" I ask holding back tears myself.

"B-be cause ...I-I could'nt p-protect you." He said and went into another round of sobs.

"Its OK, you did'nt anything none of this was happening." I said biting the inside of my cheek to keep from crying myself.

"B-But I abandoned you w-when you n-needed me I-I should have helped you." he sounded so sad and defeated I just could'nt take I just let the tears pour from my eyes.

"Hey, there is no need for you to be sorry or feel bad about anything you did Louis. You did not know what was going on if it's any ones fault it's mine. Louis you tried to help me yesterday but I would'nt let you cause I was scared of what he would do, but Louis, I'm not scared anymore I am going to make it threw this and I'm going to do it for us so we can be happy-"

I was interrupted by my bedroom door being flung open to a very unhappy Robin and all I could think about was my dream of me and Louis happy.

"So your not scared huh? You actually think that this 'Lewis' or whatever actually cares about you? HA HA! Harry when are you going to relalise that no one will ever love you? You are just a sorry worthless you human being and your faggot of a boyfriend he is just like you a no good dirt-" I couldn't take it anymore before I knew I was moving I was lunging forward tacking Robin on the ground knocking the air out of him. Nothing but pure rage I let all those of years of torment come out as I punched and punched him in the face. Suddenly Louis was at my side. Wait when did he get here?

"HARRY!" He screamed so he would get my attention. I looked at him and all anger washed from body and was replaced by pure love. As I looked up at him and looked back down at Robin in front of me his nose was busted and he had a bused lip, he also had a guge gash going down his cheek.

I stood up and Louis stood up with me and I took him into my arms and I never felt safer in my life I felt like I could do anything and everything would be OK.

'I looked down at the pile of shit on the floor named Robin. "OH yea it's pronounced 'Louis'" I said with a smug grin before spitting on him we walked down stairs only to hear the sounds of sirens wailing in the background. Apparently my mom had called the cops when she heard all the racket and then to see some random kid run up the stairs yea that does sound kind of sketchy to me.

We walk out side. To see cop cars and ambulances in our yard.

Then a stumbling Robin comes outside with what looks like a shiny piece of met-. OH MY GOD. He has a gun!

"NO FAGGOT HITS ME AND GET AWAY WITH IT!" he booms. Then he raises the gun to where it pointing directly at me.

You know how they say when you feel your about to die your life flashes before your eyes? Well mine did'nt all I saw was the day me and Louis met when he was wearing that grey and navy blue striped shirt with navy blue suspenders and his red chinos and TOMS. I guess you could my life did flash before my eyes cause my life was indeed Louis Tomlinson.

I was broke out of my thoughts by the sound that would haunt my dreams forever the sound of a gun going off.

One Thing!(AU) Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now