Chapter Six!

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Louis Point Of View!

Harry was just standing there looking at that evil man that has abused him for absolutely no reason at all. I could'nt take it I could'nt let him shoot Harry.

I stepped out in front of Harry right when the sound of a gunshot rang out through the air. I felt the sharp pain wrenched through out my body. As I fell to the ground clutching at my chest I felt two arm wrap around my waist as I looked up I meet Harry's frantic eyes with tears rolling down his face. I put my hand on his cheek and wipe away a stray tear.

"I-I love you, H-Harry" I say through raspy breaths. Witch only makes his tears flow down his face faster. As I look up into those sparkling green eyes I honestly know its true, this is the boy of my dreams. I took a bullet for him and I would do it again in a heartbeat!

"I love you to, Louis I love you so, so much, but have to stay with me." he says as he trys to wipe at his tears. I feel one fall onto my face. I reach my hand up to place my hand where it had fallen. As I did so my eyes began to droop. The only that flashed before my eyes before my world was consumed by complete and utter darkness was the face of the boy I loved, smiling and being happy witch I now he would be happy now. With that thought I slipped out of consciousness.

Harry Point of view.

No, No he can't leave me I need him to much!

"NO, LOUIS PLEASE COME BACK, PLEASE" I yelled. As I brought his body close to mine. I frantically kissed the top of his head praying that his eyes would flutter open and wake up. But they did'nt he just layed there in my arms. "P-please Louis, I-I need you, I can't live without y-you! I need you in m-my life" I say in between sobs.

I was pulled away by guys in medic suits. "NO, DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE" I yell kicking at them as they pulled me away from Louis. One of the medics took me to an ambulance to look over my injuries and I'm just sobbing when my mom comes. We sit in nothing but silence the only sound are my frantic tears over the boy that I had just but knew that I loved.

I felt a arm wrap around my shoulders. I looked to see who the arm belonged to I was met with my moms tear streaked face. That is when I compltly lost I fell into her lap shaking as the tears streamed even faster.

"W-why did he do that? He should h-have just let me d-die! I can't l-live without him m-mom." I sob into her lap as she just runs he hand through my messy curls.

"He did cause he truly loves you, sweetie, and no I'm glad he did'nt let you die that lets me know that he will protect you know matter what. But I am sad that he had to take a bullet for me to reliase this. I'm sure he will be ok he is a fighter I can tell." She was right Louis was a fighter.

At that a man in a blue shirt and navy blue slacks came over to talk to us. "We are rushing him to the hospital. You can follow us and one person can ride if you are a family memer."

"W-what about ...b-boyfriend?" I asked unsure of the responce but praying it was a good one.

"Uhmm," He looked around slowly."Oh, what the hell. Come on" He said fiinishing off with a smile.

"Thank you, so much" I jumped up and gave him the biggest hug I ever gave anyone.

"Well come on, we don't want to be left." We then jogged over to the ambulance. We go in and I sat down in the seat beside the streacther holding Louis' motionless body. This was all my fault if I would'nt have started that fight with Robin, Louis would be ok he would'nt be lying in the back of an ambulance. I could'nt help but think how his life would be if I was'nt in it he would live a perfectly normal life. He would be safe and not in the situation he is now.

I was broke from my thoughts by the shrieking of the heart montiter telling us that Louis' heart was no longer beating. NO this cant be happening to him he can't die he has to much to live for. We were going to grow old together and be happy.

"He's flat lineing, get me an ounce of epenihiren and get the paddles ready." The red haired man that let me ride yelled to the other younger looking girl. As a curly haired women drove the vehicle.

He stabbed the syringe into Louis' chest and pressed the plunger down relasing the medicne into him. Then the girl came up and ripped Louis' shirt open. She then placed the paddles to his bear chest.

Then turned around to face the red haired man and he turned a dial on a machine that was connected to the paddles. He then gave a nod telling her to proceed. She then turned back to Louis and looked at him and said that word that i thought would only hear in movies and TV shows.

"Clear!" Louis' back arched off the strecher as mine hit the ground and everything surounded me went black.


OK I know this chapter is not very good, and I'm sorry I have not posted in awhile I have been really busy I have had alot of meetings at my modeling agecy latley and then school. But anyways I hope you guys liked and I should be updateing soon no promises though.


Love you girls....or guys! :)

One Thing!(AU) Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now