Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be the star athlete dating the head cheerleader? Well, it's not all that it's cracked up to be, I should know. I'm the starting quarterback for the El Paso High Tigers and I've been dating Chloe since the beginning of our junior year. 

I guess I should probably introduce myself, my name is Max Thompson Jr. Every morning I get up and look in the mirror to see a guy with dark brown hair, light hazel eyes, and a set of six pack abs. My looks have gotten me many girlfriends in the past, but I just have not found anyone that I can connect with on a deeper level. I know that as teenagers, we should be having fun, after all, you only live once, but I can't help but feel that there is something missing in all of my relationships, including Chloe. 

I know that every time that one of my relationships ended, Chloe was always there. Always hoping that she would be the one that, I would be able to stick with. But, I have come to the conclusion that I need to end things with her because, I don't want to hurt her any more than necessary but I know that it needs to be done. 

Chloe could be anyone's ideal girlfriend; she is about five foot seven with blond hair and blue eyes. Unfortunately, there isn't that deep connection I'm looking for and have decided that until I find that person that completes me, I'm not going to be dating anyone. 


I'm sitting in Trigonometry, trying to listen to Mr. Jones but I just can't seem to pay attention to what he was saying. I have come to the conclusion; this was the day that I had to break things off with Chloe. 

"Mr. Thompson, am I boring you?" I was startled by Mr. Jones' question, because obviously I had been staring off into space and not paying attention. 

"No, sir, was just thinking about the problem on the board." 

"Well, since you've been thinking about the problem so hard, maybe you could do us a favor and solve it for us." There was a round of snickers from my classmates. 

Thankfully not paying attention hasn't had an effect on my grades, as I've always excelled in math. Unfortunately, if my teammates found out about my math grades, I would be teased to no end. There are a lot of guys on the team that just don't like those who are different. 

I went to the front of the classroom looking at the problem trying to solve it in my head. I grabbed a piece of chalk and began to systematically solve the equation. I could feel everybody looking at me, but it didn't make me nervous. I turned and saw a look on Mr. Jones' face that shows how impressed he was; that even though I wasn't paying attention, I was able to solve the hard problem. 

"Thank you, Max. You can have a seat, but I would advise you to pay better attention in class." Just then the bell rang, signaling the end of class and the beginning of lunch. 


I get to the cafeteria and see all my friends and teammates sitting at our normal table. I go through the lunch line, it looks like we're having pizza today. As I sit down at the table, Chloe comes over and sits on my lap as she and her best friend Tina start talking about a new student that has transferred in. 

"Hey look, it's the gay poster child," states one of my teammates and of course all of us turn to see who he's talking about. 

He was talking about Tom Sanders, the president of the Gay Straight Alliance, as well as the senior class president. We didn't know for sure that he's gay, but it's just assumed he is because of the GSA. Tom keeps to himself, which doesn't help the rumors, but he seems like an 'ok' kind of guy. He's not your typical geek, but the guys; especially Jack Sands (Chloe's brother) enjoys picking on him. 

A Chance At Love (Camp Nanowrimo Winner 2014)(boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now