Chapter 8

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Max's POV 

I woke up from a crappy night of sleep and knew that I needed to talk to Jason and let him know how I felt about him; I only hoped that he would still be my friend after I told him. I could hear Mom and Dad downstairs talking but I couldn't make out what they were saying. It surprised me that he was still at home when it was nine in the morning, so I got up and cracked my door open so that I could try and hear what they were talking about. 

"You need to tell him Maxwell." 

"He's not gay so it doesn't matter." 

"That doesn't matter, this isn't the first time that those words had been used in vandalism of our property. He deserves to know." 

"Fine, I'll tell him after he gets up," Dad sighed. 

I wanted to know what they were talking about, so I headed downstairs. 

"Tell me what?" 

They turned to look at me. Dad kind of hung his head and just shook it side to side. 

"Son, there was some vandalism done at the construction site last night." 

"Do you know who did it?" 

"Yeah, it was Terry Sands and Steven Porter." 

"What the hell, Dad?!" I was shocked to say the least. 

"I fired Terry yesterday because he came to work drunk. When I told him that he was fired he became belligerent." I wasn't shocked about that at all; everyone knew that he was a mean drunk. 

"You know for sure that it was them?" 

"Yeah, I had installed motion sensitive cameras just before Christmas and we caught them on tape." 

"So what's gonna happen to them?" 

"Well, I'm sure that they've already been picked up and arrested by now." 

I went over to the recliner and sat down with a plop. I was surprised that they would do something like that. Well, I wasn't really surprised with Steven but the fact that he helped Mr. Sands did surprise me. I wondered if Jack knew what his dad had done and I wasn't sure that he needed to know. Unfortunately, I knew that he would be told by someone who went to see him; if not the cops were probably going to question him about why his dad would do that. 

"Is it ok if I go over to Jason's house for a little while? I need to talk to him about something." 

"Sure, honey. Don't be there too long, you still need to get your homework done." 

"Thanks Mom. I need to call and see if he's busy, but I wanted to make it was ok with you before I called him." I got up and headed up to my room so that I could text Jason to see if and when I could come over. 

I texted, "Hey, can I come over?" 


"K will b there @ 12" 


I decided to go ahead and get a quick shower because I wanted to look my best for him even if he rejected me. I didn't know if I could handle it if he did. 

I scrubbed myself with my Axe body wash and shampoo as I thought about what I was going to tell him. All I could think of was that he was going to reject me and our friendship would never be the same. 

It took me forever to pick out something to wear because I didn't want to look like I was trying too hard, so I finally decided on a pair of dark blue jeans, a red t-shirt, and my new Nike sneakers that I had gotten for Christmas. 

A Chance At Love (Camp Nanowrimo Winner 2014)(boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now