Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The next week and a half flew by fast. Soon it was time for our first home football game and the team was pumped. Jason and I were constantly hanging out and were fast becoming best friends. 

Chloe had picked up where Jack left off last week telling the whole school that she thinks I'm gay. After all, we were together for two months and I had never so much as tried to kiss her. This got some of the other girls that I had dated to speak out about how I never pressured them to do anything sexual with them. 

"Chloe, you really need to stop spreading malicious rumors about Max," I heard Tina plea as we headed into the cafeteria for lunch that day. 

"Tina, what would you think if after two months Jack never tried to kiss you or put any type of move on you at all?" 

"I would think that he was a gentleman and that he respected me as a person," I heard Tina reply. 

"Pfft, whatever. Jack agrees with me. He thinks Max is nothing but a pansy ass faggot." 

"Well, I don't agree with Jack either. I think you both are making a big mistake. Doesn't your dad work for Thompson Construction Company?" 

"Yeah, so what? Once Mr. Thompson finds out that Max is gay, he will agree with us." 

"You are so delusional," Tina replied before turning and walking away. 

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Chloe is de;usional if she thinks that my Dad will take her side over mine. 

Before the end of lunch Tina came by the table before she left the cafeteria. "Just thought you should know that Chloe is the one telling anyone who will listen that you're gay. Personally, I don't care but no one should have their character smeared like that whether it's true or not." 

"Thanks Tina, you've always been an upstanding sort of person. I know that I can count on you even when the others walk away," I replied. 

"I'm sorry that I haven't stepped up sooner; I thought they would get over it but apparently that's not going to happen any time soon," Tina said before turning and walking away. 

I turned to Jason and asked, "Are you sure you want to be seen with me?" 

"Dude, I don't care what people say. I know that you're an awesome guy and people are going to believe what they want to." 

Jason's POV 

During the GSA meeting that afternoon Tom came up to me and said, "I'm sorry for how I behaved last week. I wanted to see if you would go to dinner with me after the game tonight." 

"Sorry, Tom, but I already have plans with a friend of mine, besides you're really not my type." 

I could see Mickey across the room and could see the frown on his face. I could tell that he liked Tom and didn't like him asking me out. They didn't even know if I was really gay. Mikie seemed to brighten up when he heard me tell Tom no. When the bell rang I went to my locker and grabbed my books that I would need over the weekend and headed for the gym. 

Max's POV 

"Ok guys, let's get ready. Play smart, play safe. Let's start the season off with a win, work together as a team, "stated Coach. 

The team started clapping and talking amongst each other. 

"Be careful guys, we got a faggot in here and he's gonna be taking some peaks. Max don't even think about looking at any of us. I will beat the shit out of you if I catch you so much as looking in my direction," sneered Jack. 

A Chance At Love (Camp Nanowrimo Winner 2014)(boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now