Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 

Jason's POV 

I couldn't believe it when Max told me what had happened at his house the weekend he spent at my house. It seemed absurd that someone would do this just because he broke up with someone but with Jack's truck being spotted at the house, that's the only reason that we could see for it happening. I knew I was being biased but I was falling for him even though I knew that it would never be returned other than in a brotherly, friendly fashion. 

I knew that I was setting myself up for heartbreak but I just couldn't help myself. Max was everything that I wanted in a guy. He's funny, compassionate, good looking, and just an all-around good guy. I'd had many conversations with my dad and he was glad that I had finally told Max that I was gay but he's concerned for me because Max is straight. He doesn't want to see my hurt. No parent does. 

The school year is flying by and so far nothing else has happened to Max which I am glad of, but Jack and Chloe are still bound and determined to ruin Max's reputation. I'd noticed that Max's demeanor was starting to be affected because where he was happy go lucky, he was now reserved and quiet; it was starting to concern me. The football team was still undefeated and doing great but not even that was lifting Max's spirits. 

Just before Thanksgiving when things seemed to escalate between Max and Chloe. She was furious that all her attempts at making him jealous didn't work. That particular day she got one of Steven, Jack's football buddy, to attack Max after practice.  

The two of them ambushed him in the locker room while he was getting changed. I had forgotten one of my books in my gym locker and had gone back in to get it. When I got to the locker room Steven was standing there cheering Chloe on as she took a baseball bat to Max's unconscious form. I quickly ran into the room and yanked the bat out of her hands. When Steven saw me he ran out of the locker room 


"HE DESERVES IT!" she yelled back. 

"No one deserves it, you spoiled little bitch." I pulled out my phone and quickly dialed 9-1-1 as I checked to make sure that he still had a heartbeat. 

"9-1-1, state your emergency," the operator said when the phone was answered. 

"I need an ambulance my friend has been severely beaten. We're at El Paso High School in the gym locker room. Please hurry." 

"Units have been dispatched and should arrive shortly. Please stay on the line until they get there. Can you tell me what happened?" she asked 

"I came in...and... (hiccup) his (hiccup) was (sniffle) hitting him (hiccup) with (hiccup) a bat." I was having trouble talking because I was so torn up finding him like this. I could hear sirens so I ran outside so that they would know where to go. 

The paramedics came rushing in and I showed them to the locker room where Max was laying on the floor. The police had followed the paramedics in and pulled me to the side. "I'm Detective Alden. What's your name?" 

"Jason Smith, sir." 

"What's the victim's name?" the Detective asked. 

"Max Thompson Jr." 

"What happened?" 

"I had come back in to get a book that I had forgotten in my locker and when I walked in I saw his ex-girlfriend standing over him hitting him with a baseball bat. There was another football player that was in here as well, her current boyfriend. When I came in he left. I yanked the bat out of her hands and she took off after I yelled at her. I called 9-1-1." 

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