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( 002

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( 002. real life )

THE HALF EMPTY  thai food takeout boxes remain sealed on the table as the two of them manage to get comfortable of nova's two person love seat, she hates it as much as harrison does but she still keeps it because she finds is amusing to watch him squirm and shift before giving up and letting his legs dangle off the end, pure amusement takes ahold of her face as she pulls herself up off the floor to climb over harrison and snuggle up against his side.

this was something normal for the both of them, a somewhat routine thing, every friday they would meet at one or the others apartment, with thai food and watch a movie, often at times it was something to do with marvel or one of the batman remakes, but they'd never watch batman vs. superman, as much as harrison begged nova would refuse, and to this day she still stood her ground on saying no on that one particular movie.

a low groan falls from the females lips as she stirs in her sleep before waking up, harrison had passed out not longer after the end credits of the dead pool movie played and nova had passed out just as the movie started. her eyebrows furrow as her stomach lurches scrambling to get off the couch stepping outer and slightly on harrison, the brunette rushes to the bathroom hair flung behind her as she brings up the whatever she had eaten.

her eyes well with tears as her small fingers grip the toilet bowl in search of comfort, the bathroom door cracks open a little and a concerned harrison glances down at the female, eyebrows furrowed as the brunette turns to look at him before tearing her eyes away as she throws up yet again.

"ive never seen your body reject thai food before"he says softly offering her a glass of water after she had finally stopped throwing up, nova sips the liquid carefully a sigh of relief falling from her lips as she reaches up to grab her tooth brush and slowly brings herself up to brush her teeth.

"it wasn't the thai food it was those bagels i had at breakfast" nova mumbles as she wipes he mouth with the back of her hand, making a note to herself to disinfect the toilet at some point tomorrow as she moves past harrison and into the kitchen leaning against the counter.

"But they were just cream cheese bagels? how could that make you throw up like that?" harrison quizzes genuinely quite concerned as nova shrugs fiddling with the empty glass

"actually...there's something i need to tell you" the female mumbles looking over at harrison seated on the bar stool across from her

"Me throwing up has nothing to do with the bagels or the thai food"
"then what is it?"
"im-im pregnant"

harrison furrows his eyebrows as he stares at her, in complete and utter silence looking her up and down before shaking his head
"wha-what how?"
"Well when a boy and a girl—"
"no not that how you idiot, the only person you've been with is alistair and you to have been split for almost three months now so how?"

"that's the thing, remember that day I went to get the rest of my stuff from his apartment? yeah i was sad, ugly crying, tears the whole lot he comforted me and we had really shitty breakup sex" nova shrugs clasping her hands together and shoving them deep into her lap as she casts her gaze down.

"at least it wasn't some strangers baby, are you going to keep it?"

nova doesn't answer, she'd thought about getting rid of it but the more she kept it around the more she grew fond of the life growing inside her, she'd always liked the idea of having children so she wasn't hesitant to say she was keeping it.

"im keeping it"

"good good, ill always be here you know? as your best friend I'll support you on hundred percent"
"Careful with your words osterfield, hannah might murder you if she hears you say you're my best friend"
"does anyone else know? friends? family or is it just me?"
"so far only you, my mum and theo"

"would you look at that nova the baby having her baby, you see new things every day"
"shut up and help me clean up this thai food"

•⠀ . ° ✧


harrison didn't leave because he wouldn't
do that, this his best friend why would he
leave her, pregnant hormonal best friend nova is someone we don't deserve. at all.

enjoy !

enjoy !

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