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liked by poppylockin, heyitshannah, theodorable, whyryder, hazosterfield and 305 others

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liked by poppylockin, heyitshannah, theodorable, whyryder, hazosterfield and 305 others

SUPERNOVA: hey there demons it's me...ya boy

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poppylockin: beech you glowin
supernova: poppylockin beech who you fightin

theodorable: if I was into the idea of heterosexuality I would marry you
supernova: theodorable it would be an honour to be your first hetero conquest
theodorable: supernova let me know if haz is good in bed and we'll talk

username1: Wait haz and nova are dating?

username2: ^ finally #ainsfield
username3: username2 lmao nah apparently she cheated on her last bf we don't need cheaters with precious babies like haz

meages: woah I love being gay
supernova: meages miss you

hazosterfield: i cannot believe you chose to post this instead of the photo we took
username4: hazosterfield assert dominance to get girlfriend to listen
username5: username4 haz? dominant? haha next joke the boy couldn't even kill a fly with one of this tennis racket bug zappers
username4: username5 oh shit ur white
supernova: username4 username5 hes a bottom, we cant trust any bottoms except me

username6: nova calling haz a bottom is such a kink
username7: username6 we been knew he only tops in #ainsfield bc novas more of a bottom than he is
theodorable: username7 oh that's the real tea

username8; I still can't believe nova is friends with theodorable like teach me how you got someone from the fab 5 to be ur best friend
supernova: username8 kiss his ass and say his foods good
theodorable: supernova ;)

tomholland2013: hazosterfield i cannot believe I had to stalk you just to see who keeps occupying all your time
username5: tomholland2013 hows it feel to be number 2
heyitshannah: tomholland2013 supernova SPIDER-MAN COMMENTED ON YOUR POST
supernova: heyitshannah toby maguire found my insta page?!?
tomholland2013: supernova um...ouch?

whyryder: I wanna see this never before seen haz and nova selfie
poppylockin: whyryder shit same

alyciajasmin: woah 12 year old closeted bisexual me is quaking so much, like you're so adorable let's get married
supernova: alyciajasmin yes lets get married

heyitshannah: lets just remind the public, theo and alycia lost you in the mall where they later found you at target crying over a cloud pillow with a sleeping face on it
supernova: heyitshannah not one of my best moments, it wasn't even caught on film
meages: heyitshannah supernova title it 'white girl sobs over cloud pillow for three ministers straight"
hazosterfield: heyitshannah says the girl who cried in cars 3
heyitshannah: hazosterfield everyone cried I wasn't the only one

username10: fuck I love nova reign ainsworth so much

sahar.luna: prettiest thing ❤️
supernova: sahar.luna I'm crying

it's 4am and I've been playing sims
all day, plus I downloaded a shit load of cc
so hopefully that works



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2018 ⏰

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