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"Ahem" Lisa cleared her throat nervously as she stood at the reception desk in main school building, where a woman aged around 25 sat behind the desk filing her nails and chewing gum. The woman was too focussed on the music playing from the radio to notice the Thai patiently waiting. -Wow this retro music, this is brand new to these people, it sounds modern to them. So trippy- Lisa quickly shook off the thought before she had another panic attack, "um, Polly?" she asked hopefully. The woman looked up from her nails and lazily sat up in her seat, "what do you want kid? If this is about the school dance it has nothing to do with me, speak to the Principle" she said as she blew her gum into a bubble and popped it, the woman had a strong New York accent but this town definitely wasn't New York. "No it isn't about a dance. I am a new student I was told to come here for my schedule" the brunette responded. Polly huffed and rolled her eyes, she slothfully looked on her desk for term papers for the new students, this was not a woman that at all enjoyed her job, "you're one of them foreign exchange chicks right? Where are you from?". The Thai girl nodded and forced a smile, trying her best to act natural, "That's right, I am from Thai..I uh...EUROPE! I'm European". Polly raised an eyebrow, "oh gosh you're not French are ya?" she uttered while still chewing her gum. "I'm from the general sort of European area...no where specific" the tall girl said awkwardly as she swung her arms around, clapping her hands together every time they met in front of her. 

Polly handed the papers over to Lisa, in doing so she came to notice the girl's clothes. The receptionist stretched right over the desk, her feet hanging above the floor to get a better look at Lisa's outfit, "what the heck are you supposed to be?" she said sarcastically as she looked the younger girl up and down. "I'm a hippy!" Lisa replied proudly with a big grin. Polly frowned, unimpressed, "I'll never understand you French types". Lisa leaned forward onto the desk, her face close to Polly's, "you are too young to be this grumpy". The older woman rolled her eyes again as she blew another bubble, "listen kid, they don't pay me enough to smile, now sign your name and use your schedule to attend your classes". The brunette pointed at Polly's radio after signing her name on the registration forms, "that was a really good song...I mean...uh it IS a really good song" she laughed nervously. Polly stared at the girl blankly, chewing slowly with her mouth hanging open, "you know you are really weird? Has anyone ever told you that". Lisa grinned brightly again and nodded, "all the time!". 

-What am I even doing. I'm flunking all my classes in Korea so I add new ones, I should be sleeping- she thought to herself as she walked through the halls of the old school, "ok so what is my first class?" she mumbled under her breath, checking the schedule, "...BIOLOGY?! I suck at biology" Lisa groaned heavily as she tried to find the science rooms. -This will be a good test of my sanity- she thought as she stood in front of the biology class 3B, -if I don't understand what the teacher is talking about then this is definitely real- . Lisa took a deep breath and entered the class, immediately tripping on her own feet and flying half way across the class, luckily she didn't fall over. The students laughed and jeered at the clumsy newbie and her 'gracious' entrance. The science teacher was tall elderly man in a white lab coat, he tapped a cane against the blackboard, "and you are?". "Lisa Manoban" she replied, "I'm an exchange student". The teacher lowered his cane, "well Miss Manoban, if you are quite finished disrupting my class with your clownery then take a seat and be quiet, as difficult as I am sure that is for you. Please try" he sighed. 

Lisa looked around the room for an empty seat, the first she found was next to a chubby but cute Italian American boy who was winking and waggling his eyebrows at the attractive Thai, -nope, not him thanks very much-. She continued to scan the room when in the corner by the window she saw a familiar face smiling at her, and an empty seat right next to them. Lisa felt her heart skip a beat again as Jennie cutely waved at her and gestured for the younger girl to come over, she didn't know why though, she couldn't understand why this pretty girl from the past made her heart flutter the way it did. Maybe because this girl and this world was impossible, Lisa shouldn't be here. -That must be it- she told herself as she approached Jennie, -this girl makes me go fuzzy because this is all so crazy and she's the only one I really talk to-. 

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