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"You look like a zombie" Chaeyoung said in a muffled voice while she stuffed toast into her mouth, leaning up against the kitchen counter as she waited for the coffee machine to finish boiling. Lisa groaned and rubbed her eyes, "I don't remember lending you that" she replied when noticing the long buttoned white shirt of hers that the Australian was using as pyjamas. Rosé smiled cheekily and took another bite out of the toast, "you should have some coffee too, you look like you need it". Lisa nodded, resting her sleepy head on her hands while sitting at the table, "I think I need at least 10 cups just to survive dance practice ugh". Rosé handed the Thai some coffee and sat at the table with her, "so where did you get to last night?". "Huh?" Lisa panicked. "Leo was meowing a lot so I checked on him and saw you weren't there, where did you go?". The younger girl took an extra big sip of coffee to give herself enough time to think of an excuse, "I uh couldn't sleep so took a walk". Chaeyoung was not convinced but decided not to press the subject, "you are going to be at the talent show this afternoon yeah? Like I'm so nervous I can't do it without you". Lisa hugged her roommate, patted her head and pinched her fluffy cheeks, "of course I'll be there and you can do it with or without me Chaengie, you're the most talented person I know".

 Lisa was so tired that she didn't even have the energy to talk to anyone today, she wore all black, a light sweater and tight sweat pants for dance practice and a surgical mask when walking across the campus.

"Lisa you are out of sync with Momo" Minzy called from the front of the dance studio, raising her voice so she could be heard over the loud bass blasting from the speakers, "I know you can dance way better than this, sort yourself out". "I'm sorry sunbae" Lisa replied, yawning at the end of her sentence. Momo nudged Lisa softly, "are you sure you're not getting ill or something, this is two days in a row now" she asked concerned. Lisa shook her head, again yawning, "no, I'm fine honestly". "Bobby was looking for you this morning and BamBam too" Momo laughed, "you might want to avoid them". Lisa groaned, "how am I supposed to do that when we go to the same school?". Momo thought for a second before she had an idea, "oh I know! we could set up a big tracking system with the other girls, whoever sees either BamBam or Bobby can text you where they are so you know not to go there". "Good idea!" the Thai said cheerfully as she began patting her pockets to find her phone, "...oh. I must have left it back in the dorm ugh, I'll get it later after history class". Momo nodded, "it's Rosie's talent show performance today right?". Lisa grinned, "yep! she's so nervous bless her". The Japanese girl chuckled, "why though? she is so talented like...seriously". "I know but it's trying to convince her of that" Lisa replied.

Lisa arrived to her history class and picked the very back row, right in the corner in hope she wouldn't be seen, she already got in trouble last time she was here and didn't want to risk being caught sleeping but she was just so tired, she could barely keep her eyes open. "1960s America" the teacher called out as he began writing on the smartboard. The sleepy brunette suddenly sat up in a panic, she was trying to forget about this very subject. "Socially and politically an entirely different world to modern day South Korea..." he continued. -Yeah you're telling me...-

The petit brunette had intended to spend the duration of the class sleeping but she became increasingly enthralled with her teacher's lesson about 60s America, suddenly now she found the topic fascinating despite being totally uninterested in previous classes. Her change in attitude had not gone unnoticed by the teacher either, who was very pleased with the Thai's enthusiasm, regularly raising her hand to ask questions. As the teacher continued to talk about various historical figures from that era, many of whom were dead, it dawned on Lisa that somewhere out there right now, Jennie was living in the right time. -Would Jennie even still be alive?- she thought to herself as her mind wondered away from class and back onto the impossible girl, -she'd be about 70 years old now, she probably has grandchildren. I wonder if she remembers me-. Lisa slumped back down into her chair and sighed, -no, after one day that happened over 50 years ago I highly doubt she does. She forgot me long ago-. 

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