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-I could stay here forever- Lisa thought to herself as she felt the small exhales of a sleeping Jennie Kim gently blowing against her neck. The sun had risen but the snow frosted the glass of the bedroom window allowing Lisa to just about see the pink hue that coloured the sky. The Thai softly kissed Jennie's forehead as the older girl cuddled tighter in her sleep, Lisa had never felt so at peace in her entire life, holding Jennie like this made her feel things she couldn't even describe. She didn't want this to end.

"JENNIE RUBY JANE KIM GET UP FOR SCHOOL!" an older female voice yelled from downstairs, Jennie's mother, making both girls jump out of their skin, "SCHOOL IS STILL OPEN DESPITE THE SNOW, YOU AREN'T GETTING OFF THAT EASY YOUNG LADY GET UP BREAKFAST IS READY". Both girls quickly climbed out of bed and started to panic, "oh crap what do we do, shall I climb out of the window?!" Lisa asked in near hysteria. Jennie shook her head frantically, "my dad leaves for work soon he might see you!". 


"Coming mom!" Jennie called back, "we are so screwed" she whispered to the equally worried Thai.


Jennie and Lisa stared at each other with wide eyes. They'd been caught. 

The black haired beauty crept through the living room door and headed cautiously toward the kitchen with the younger brunette sheepishly following her, hiding behind the shorter girl for protection. "Your name?" Mrs Kim asked not taking her eyes off the frying bacon in the pan. "Lisa" Jennie replied nervously. Jennie winced in minor pain as the back of a spatula hit her on the head, "your friend can speak for herself" Mrs Kim said sternly as she turned to face the terrified Thai, "or has your tongue been removed?". Lisa gulped, "um no mam, miss uh Jennie's mom..mrs mom, m-mrs Kim!". Jennie began to snicker behind her hand at the younger girl's flustered rambling before again feeling the back of a spatula across ahead. "No giggling in the kitchen" her mother demanded, "sit down for breakfast both of you". "Don't worry, she's just trying to scare you" a male voice said from behind the Thai, which startled her. Jennie wrapped her arms around the man's waist and gave him a cuddle, "good morning daddy". "Good morning Princess" he replied as he kissed the top of her head before taking a seat at the table. Mr Kim wore a black suit with a blue and white striped tie and white buttoned shirt, Mrs Kim was wearing a plain yet fashionable green dress, the young brunette felt very uncomfortable in just a long t-shirt of Jennie's, thankfully the aforementioned Jennie Kim was also still only wearing her t-shirt which made the Thai feel a little better. 

"So, Lisa. Where are you from?" Mr Kim asked in a friendly tone while eating his breakfast with one hand and reading today's newspaper with another. "Bangkok originally but I move around a lot" she replied. "Oh you're Thai?" Mrs Kim asked in a curious tone and one eyebrow raised as she poured Lisa some coffee. Lisa nodded and smiled sweetly. Mr Kim lowered his paper, "I spent some time in Thailand during the war with the Japanese army while I was spying, beautiful country. Great food". "Gamsahamnida"(thank you) Lisa responded with a small bow, Korean formalities not practiced in the United States returning to her very quickly. Mrs Kim grinned brightly, "you speak Korean?". The brunette again nodded, "uhuh for several years now". Jennie paused in shock, "you never told me you could speak Korean?" she mumbled through a mouth full of bacon. "You never asked" the Thai replied with a small laugh. Mrs Kim reached over the table and flapped her dish towel in front of her daughter's face in a feeble attempt to try and hit her with it, "don't speak with your mouthful!". Jennie groaned as Lisa and Mr Kim both laughed. 

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