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Lisa lay on the couch in the living room in just a long pink and blue stripy pj shirt and underwear. She had been laying there staring at the ceiling for the past 3 hours, Chaeyoung was in the kitchen cooking dinner but what do you cook for a time traveller who has the whole universe falling into chaos within their own mind? Red curry, Thai fried noodles and lots of desserts and sweets was the Australian girl's best guess. Rosé was getting sauce all over her as she tried to frantically cook multiple things at once, luckily her sleeveless navy blue tank top and black skinny jeans were protected by a multicoloured apron, "this is a nightmare like...oh my god" she exclaimed as her hair flopped in her face from the steam. Lisa felt different now that she was no longer a virgin, more adult and grown up somehow. Sure she'd had boyfriends in the past and kissed more than a few guys but she always still felt like a kid sometimes, even when she was drinking and partying with her friends. Rosé was the only person Lisa had told hence the live cooking show happening in the kitchen, the sensitive blonde understood the gravity of what should be a happy life changing event for the Thai. This wasn't supposed to be how this goes, Chaeyoung shouldn't be cooking a cheer up meal she was supposed to be sitting on the sofa with Lisa eating ice cream and watching cheesy romance movies while she excitedly asked her best friend about all the details, they were supposed to give each other silent glances and giggle behind their hands whenever anyone mentioned Jennie's name because only they knew what had happened the night before. However, this wasn't a normal relationship and this teen love story didn't have a happy ending so Chaeyoung cooked and tried to play the mother role. She didn't know what else to do.

"I'm going to see Jennie one last time to say goodbye, I've learned all I can from Phillip West, there's no point me going back anymore" she said suddenly during dinner. Rosé paused in surprise with her fork suspended in front of her mouth, after all Lisa hadn't said a word for hours. "W-what are you going to say to her?" the Australian replied a little nervously, she didn't want to say anything that would upset her friend even further. The orange haired girl sighed deeply, "I'll tell her that I have to go home for a few weeks to visit my parents and I'll be back after the New Year. That way I get to say goodbye to her but she won't be miserable and heartbroken she'll still believe I'm coming back" the Thai got a lump in her throat as she started to lose control of her emotions, "she'll never know that I left her". Chaeyoung reached her hand across the table and intertwined her fingers with Lisa's, "um by the way someone from the admin office left a book for you outside of our door, it's about cosmic strings and time travel". The Thai's eyes widened a little, "oh right yeah, I've asked around with some of the science geeks in the school about time travel theories and physics and stuff so they must of sent it over, admin must think I'm both crazy and a failure now too fantastic". Rosé smiled with a sympathetic sadness and rubbed her friend's hand with her thumb, "it's ok to cry you know". "But you have to believe that Chaeng because you cry at everything" the Thai quipped in response. The blonde haired Australian giggled lightly, "I mean it Lis, you're allowed to be a mess and fall down. Remember we are all here to pick you up again". Lisa pulled Chaeyoung's hand up to her cheek and rested her head against it, "I know and I'd be lost without you, I'm just not ready to lose her".

Rosé started to tear up as she saw Lisa's eyes clouding over too so she got up from her seat and move round to table to give her best friend a cuddle, "Lis, Jennie was already gone before you were even born but you spent last night with her decades ago which still hurts my brain to think about but I think this means that nothing really ends. You walked through a time door and found a world that isn't supposed to exist anymore but it's right there and so is Jennie so even though today will be the last time you see her she won't really be gone, somewhere in the universe she still exists. So whenever you miss her and the grief is too much to bear, remember that she's just the other side of the door". Lisa wrapped her arms tightly around the Australian as she began to weep, "I love you so much Rosie". Chaeyoung softly stroked her friend's hair, "I love you too and I am here for you no matter what". 

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