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"An observer passing through a wormhole could, in principle, traverse the wormhole in less time than it would take to travel from point A to point B through normal space-time outside the wormhole.  Moreover, if A and B are sufficiently distant in space and the wormhole length is sufficiently short, an observer could potentially traverse the wormhole in a time less than it would take to send a light signal from A to B through normal space.  Wormholes could thus be used as a cosmic ''cheat" to effectively bypass the limitation that no object can travel faster than the speed of light in special and general relativity.  Faster than light travel itself presents many paradoxes, since it could be used to send messages and information back in time.  Certain other uses of wormholes could also potentially allow observers themselves to travel into the past." - Dr. Andrew Friedman

Lisa ran her fingers through her dark brown hair, twirling it around in her hand as she sat staring at the same two letters she had been staring at for the past three days. "You're going to have to pick soon sweetie" a female voice said from behind as she placed an encouraging hand on the confused brunette's shoulder. Sorn, a fellow Thai exchange student that Lisa had known since she was a child and the only person she could trust to be totally impartial in this huge decision the girl found herself in. "I know" Lisa sighed as the blonde haired Sorn sat beside in her in just an over sized white t-shirt and tight denim shorts. Lisa herself was only wearing a black sports bra and matching leggings, the weather was starting to get too warm for much else. The two girls both examined the letters again thoroughly just as they had yesterday and the day before...and the day before that. They were acceptance letters, one was for a prestigious University in Seoul that both Rosé, Jisoo, Irene and various friends from high school would be attending, the uni that Lisa's parents and friends alike were telling her to attend, the uni that nobody expected her to earn a place in but over the past six months since 'that night' the Thai had focussed all of her attention into her school work. Well most of her attention anyway. The second letter was from a local dance institute that Momo, Minzy, Seulgi, Seunghoon and more of Lisa's dancer friends would be attending, the school certainly didn't have the same respected reputation that the University had and was more comparable to an idol trainee facility than a school but it also valued high academic grades and Lisa was only accepted into it due to the vast improvement in her school examinations.

Lisa didn't know what to pick she had friends and family pulling her in both directions which is why she needed Sorn. Sorn had left high school and was going straight into employment at an art gallery in Seoul so she had no selfish interests in Lisa's decision and would only help her friend make the right choice. On one hand Lisa had lived with Rosé since moving to Korea, they had became like sisters and she couldn't imagine not seeing her everyday and Jisoo too, Jisoo looked after Lisa in the way a big sister or mother would so being away from either of them so much and only seeing them during their spare time while they led different lives would be very hard for the Thai and a scary chance. But on the other hand, Lisa was a dancer, she had wanted to do it professionally since she was a little girl and she really had no interest in University beyond her friends. However Lisa's parents did not want her attending this dance school seen as it couldn't offer a certain professional future for the now 19 year old, if Lisa could not find a job after she had left then she would have to return to Thailand with nothing because she was not a legal citizen of South Korea. She did not want to disappoint her parents or risk drifting away from her best friends but Momo was in the exact same boat as Lisa but she was still going for it, determined to do what she was passionate about and assured the Thai that she should do the same and to hell with what their parents say.

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