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"The world hasn't blown up yet but don't think you should check the situation?" Irene asked as she sat on the arm of the couch in a matching red jacket and skirt. Lisa was sat shivering with nerves, black track pants and an over sized green plaid shirt, her hair tied up. The Thai had been in modern day Seoul for the past two weeks without returning to the past, she was terrified she had screwed everything up after all today was the day of the school winter dance which Jennie was supposed to attend but how could she after being run over? Plus now Jennie knows who Lisa really is and might not want to go anywhere near that school ever again. Was it even safe for Lisa to return? Mr Kim could be camped in a bush outside of the Time Door with a gun like Jisoo playing Fortnite. These thoughts had been plaguing the young girl for weeks now, every single night she barely got and sleep. "I'm scared" Lisa finally replied after a few moments of pensiveness. Nayeon in a large orange hoody and not much else, wrapped her arms around the Thai, resting her chin on the younger girl's shoulder, "you know we'd come with you if we could". The orange haired girl gripped Nayeon's hand squeezing it gently as she smiled sadly, "I know". "For what it's worth" Nayeon continued with a sigh, "I don't think you should be going back at all, like ever". Jeongyeon sighed and shuffled away from her girlfriend sensing an argument was brewing between the group. "Jesus Christ Nayeon I thought we all agreed on this" Jihyo huffed irritably. Seulgi nodded, "yeah Lis goes back to make sure she hasn't changed things much".

Nayeon's comment sparked more debate throughout the group who clearly weren't in agreement about the situation, not that Lisa was paying much attention to them considering how she was feeling. Wendy folded her arms and rolled her eyes, "you mean you agreed on this". "Come on Seungwan that isn't fair" Joy interrupted, "we all said that it would be bad if Lis accidently changed things, she needs to go back to make sure things play out the way they're supposed to". Dahyun stared at Joy with a cold look in her eye, "you mean Lisa needs to make sure Jennie dies". "Dubu..." Sana said quietly as she placed a hand on the girl's shoulder. Dahyun swatted Sana's hand away, "no lets be honest and tell it like it is, that is what you mean isn't it Joy? It's what all of you mean, you're asking Lisa to make sure Jennie dies tonight. Why don't you just give Lis a knife and get her to do it herself". Irene stood up angrily, "now that's enough! That isn't what mean at all". "Isn't it?" Wendy said in a bitchy tone of voice with her arms still folded. Irene frowned sadly at her best friend's response feeling a sense of betrayal. Nayeon also stood up as the debate grew more and more confrontational, "Lisa shouldn't go back in case she makes things worse not to mention that she's putting herself in danger". "Exactly!" Dahyun exclaimed as she clapped her hands together, "I think some of you are forgetting that for us this has all been fun and like a fantasy game but for Lisa it's real life. Don't you agree Jisoo?" she asked gesturing over towards the troubled older girl in the corner. Jisoo wiped her hand down her cheek in exhaustion, "as irresponsible as it may sound, honestly all I care about right now is how Lisa, my dongsaeng feels".

An intense argument erupted between the girls, non of them having bad intentions but all terrified about something way more powerful than all of them, a few of the girls including Yeri, Momo, Jeongyeon and Tzuyu had decided to stay out of it and sit with each other across the room. Irene pointed at the quiet Japanese girl sitting at the table, "Mina tell them, tell them about the book that the admin office sent you". Mina sighed deeply as she had hoped if she stayed quiet and didn't involve herself that nobody would drag her into it, she was on the fence about the whole thing and didn't know what was the right thing to do after accepting a long time ago that this was more complicated than she'd ever be able to comprehend. Mina leaned forward against the table and inhaled as the group all silenced themselves to listen to her, "ok so the book I was sent was about something called the Butterfly Effect which is part of the Chaos Theory. The Butterfly Effect is the idea that every single decision made no matter how small has a consequence or effect on the world, if applied to time travel then it suggests that even so much as saying hello to someone in the past can alter the course of the future. For example if someone went back in time to when dinosaurs still lived and accidently stepped on a small bug and killed it, that small event could alter the history of our entire planet". 

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