"Ash?" Michael asked walking into his apartment surprised to see Ashton on his couch.

"Family issues, Mom asked where I was and I mentioned Victoria and here I am.

Michael sometimes wished that Ashton would just stand up for himself and not back down after a day. He knew Ashton wasn't happy and wanted to do something with his life.

"You know if you decided to leave town I'd follow you, right? I'll always support your decision unless it's completely idiotic."

"I know Mike and sometimes that's what I want, sometimes I just want to throw whatever I can fit into a  bag and leave but I cannot I want my parents to be proud of me. I want to be able to call them up if I need help. I want my future kids to know their grandparents and that won't happen if I don't take over the pizza shop. They will want nothing to do with me like Victoria and I need them."

"I'll go anywhere you go as long as you want me there. You don't need your parents mate you have me we could make it out there by ourselves Ash. Just you and I like how it used to be, just us against the world."

"You're making it sound gay Mikey" Ashton laughs

"Hey you know I consider myself bisexual"

"Yet you've never had a boyfriend or even kissed a guy. I don't even think you've ever even liked one."

"I want to be open-minded if I see a guy I like I'll go for it."

"So basically you're only bi in theory?"

"I guess you could say that now back to you are you just going to let your parents and well almost everyone just to walk all over you and tell you what to do?"


"Don't lie Ash we both know in a few hours you are going to go home and nothing is going to change."

"Fine you're right but that's how my life is and nothing is going to change."

"So tell me where were you last night?" Michael asks

Ashton smiles happy that he can tell Michael all about Jasmine. Michael listens happy that his best friend finally found a girl he liked.

"So you're sure that her and this Luke character have no history together?"

"From what I understand no but I never actually asked."

"Have I taught you nothing?" Michael laughs and Ashton soon follows

"Ash you know I love you bro but we have to do something about that laugh of yours."

"I thought you said it was cute?" Ashton asked raising his eyebrows in confusion

"It's a fucking giggle."

"But you said it was cute."

"It is cute a girly cute you need a manly laugh my friend."

Ashton hit Michael and started laughing again and Michael sighed. They ended up ordering some Chinese no matter how much Michael begged for pizza. How Michael still ate pizza even though he worked in a pizza shop was a wonder. Just the thought of pizza made Ashton want to puke.

They heard a knocking on the door and Michael made Ashton get it since he was to busy eating his orange chicken.

Ashton opened the door to find a girl around his age with caramel coloured skin. She was pretty not as pretty as Jasmine but still beautiful. Her skin was the exact shade of how Ashton liked his coffee, he enjoyed an overload of cream.

"Er Hi is Michael here?"

"Who are you?" Ashton asked since Michael had never mentioned a pretty girl

"Destiny I live a couple of apartments down."

"Ash who was at the do- Oh hi Destiny!" Michael said brushing off invisible dirt from his jeans and shyly smiling at Destiny

"Hey Michael I was wondering if you wanted to catch a movie with me but I see you're busy."

"No Michael is free I was just leaving." Ashton said giving Michael a thumbs up


Ashton was wondering around the mall for lack of anything better to do when he spotted a familiar blonde. He headed over to Luke and looked around hoping Jasmine was him. When he didn't see his brown hair he was a tad disappointed up said hey to Luke anyway.

"Oh hey Ashton what are you doing here?" Luke smiled

"Kinda got kicked out of my friend's place."


"A girl"

"Oh I feel you Calum abandoned me for some girl today too and Jasmine went somewhere."

The two boys walked around the mall and Luke bought several pairs of black skinny jeans claiming he didn't look good in normal jeans. Ashton laughed at that Michael was the same way except Michael claimed to only look good with unnatural hair colours.

"Luke is my laugh girly?"


"Michael said my laugh was girly."

"I agree."

"Why am I talking to you again?"

"Cos I'm sexy."

"I swear you and Michael are like twins."

"Hey Calum just sent me a text saying that he was back at his apartment, said the girl was an airhead. Do you wanna held over there with me?"

"No I really should held home but I have to ask you a question."


"Are you and Jasmine dating or have you ever dated?" Ashton asked nervously

"She's like my sister don't worry"

Ashton smiled at this and said a quick goodbye before leaving the mall. He sighed it was time for him to go home.


Luke is 18 this is not right! He is my baby he cannot be 18! Well actually he's still 17 for about an hour in Indiana but he has been 18 in Australia for like a whole day now!!!!!! Also Calum just tweeted him Happy Birthday like a minute ago! I'm crying don't touch me

Pizza Delivery Boy // a.i. (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now