Ashton ended up spending the night at Jasmine's by accident. He had passed out on the floor after playing a video game with Luke who he actually had a lot in common with. He woke to the smell of bacon and rubbed the sleep from his eyes before getting up.

"You're up early" Calum commented as Ashton walked in the kitchen

"What time is it?" Ashton asked his voice still containing evidence of sleep


Ashton was no where near a morning person but from years of being forced to get to the pizza shop before 6am he had learned to rise early. He also was not a heavy sleeper the slightest sound could wake him up. He wanted to move out of his parents house so bad because of his mother's cocktiel Alex. The bird screamed non stop throughout the night causing Ashton to get very little sleep.

His parnets were over protective though and refused to let him leave. He was 20 and legally allowed to be out on his own but he didn't want to disappoint his parents. Ashton wanted to go to collage but his father saw no point in going if Ashton was just to take over the business soon.

Ashton had an older sister that was originally supposed to take over the shop but she refused to. She had always wanted to be a lawyer and wouldn't even learn how to make the pizzas. Victoria was a disappointment even though she was studying to become a lawyer like she planned. Their parents wouldn't even talk to Victoria anymore. Ashton didn't even know where she lived or if she was even still in Australia.

"You want any bacon?"


"So Ashton I'm assuming from the way you were looking at my sister yesterday you like her."

"I've been waiting for this talk"

Even though Victoria was 5 years older than Ashton he still had that protective brother instinct. He was normally a gentle sweet guy but if anyone even thought of hurting Victoria he would kill them. It was just something that most brothers do they feel as if they must protect their sisters no matter how old they are or if they annoy them to death.  Ashton had been threatened when he took a girl out more than once. Even though when you look at Ashton you couldn't even think of him hurting anyone.

Ashton was awkward and bad at talking to girls but that didn't mean he never went on dates or had a girlfriend. He had a few girlfriends throughout his teenage years even though they never lasted longer than 6 months. Ashton didn't see the point in being with someone if you know they weren't right for you. The moment he realized that he couldn't live with a girl for the rest of his life he broke the relationship off. He didn't want the girl to think that they would end up married when he knew they wouldn't.  

"I don't want you to just use my sister for your needs she deserves better than that. Jasmine deserves to be in love and she's never gotten that." Calum told Ashton

Ashton had never been in love either, there were times he thought he was but he had never experienced pure true love. That was around the time he broke up with girls when he knew he would never have real love with them.

"I wouldn't even know what to do" Ashton laughed

"Are you saying you're a virgin?"

"I'm 20 years old if I was still a virgin that would be pretty sad, I mean I'm just pretty inexperienced."

"You don't look 20"

"I just turned 20 a few days ago, actually the day i brought Jasmine a pizza. How old are you and Jasmine?"

"Happy late birthday and we are 18, I'm older than her by the way. Luke is turning 18 July 16th I guess since you are our only friend around here we could throw you all a party together, that is if you're still around."

"If by party you mean going and getting drunk I'm in."

"Sounds good to me."

"I probably should get going my parents are going to kill me for not finishing my shift, not coming home, and being late for work."

"Why would they care if you're late for work or not and you still live with them! Jasmine and I moved out the first chance we got which was in January."

"They won't let me move out and because we own the pizza shop."

"I'm guessing your last name is Irwin since the name of your shop is Irwin's Pizza Place"

"Mhmm, hey if you don't mind me asking why does Jasmine have a British accent and you don't"

"Growing up we never stayed in one place for longer than a year so I guess that's why we have different accents."

"So I'm guessing you guys never had many friends."

"We always made friends wherever we went but once we left we didn't stay in contact. We only have Luke because his mother worked for the same company as our dad and she was transferred to the same location as our dad a lot. Shouldn't you get going to your pizza shop now?"

"Yeah I probably should and hey would you mind giving this to Jasmine for me?" Ashton asked passing a piece of paper that he just scribbled his number on.


Ashton walked in the pizza shop a little over an hour later seeing as he went home to shower and change clothes. His mother heard the bell ring as he walked in and looked up.

"Ashton Fletcher Irwin where have you been?" His mother scream causing the only costumer to jump

"I was at a friends house"

"What friend! Michael is your only friend! You're grounded end of story."

"Mother I am 20 years old you cannot ground me and do you have to remind me!"

"What happened to you, just a few days ago you were such a good son."

"You mean I was obedient, a push over, doing everything you and father asked because I didn't want to be shut out like Victoria!" Ashton screamed

"Ashton we do not say her name here!"

"Why not the name of the shop is IRWIN's Pizza Place and her name is Victoria Marie IRWIN"

"She chose to no longer be apart of our family"

Ashton stood there for a moment before turning around and leaving the shop without another world. This wasn't the first time he stood up to his mother he had done it a couple of times in the past but his parents always guilted him into coming back. He knew he would be at their doorstep before dark begging for his mother's forgiveness. He drove to Michael's apartment knowing he was always welcome there, he even had a key.


So this chapter was double the length of the last 2 so be grateful and it also was not edited so ignore typos and grammar issues. I was listening to The Vamps while writing this and they are really talented I mean 5 Seconds of Summer are better along with One Direction but The Vamps are still really good.

Pizza Delivery Boy // a.i. (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now