Ashton sat behind the counter with his feet up playing a game on his phone. It was a slow day; they had only got one call so far and Michael delivered it. Most customers preferred eating in the shop for the small family feeling. They had a total of 1 employee that was not part of the Irwin family and that was only because Ashton refused to work there 24/7.

"Hey Ash go deliver this pizza!" Ashton's dad called from the back. His father made the pizza and his mother took orders. He hated working there but was glad he got to leave whenever someone ordered a pizza. His father's dream was for Ashton to take over the business but Ashton wanted to make something of himself. He was 20 years old; today was actually his birthday and instead of out having fun he was being forced to work. He was never allowed to even think of anything else besides working in the pizza shop. When he was 10 he was taking phone calls and learning to make pizzas and the day he got his licence he was delivering pizzas.

Ashton looked down at the text his mother had sent him to make sure he was at the right apartment before knocking.  He was still looking down when the door opened and without looking up he starting taking the pizza out of the bag.

"Uh your pizza that will be - woah you're gorgeous. Wait I didn't mean to say that I mean you are beautiful but uh just take your pizza." he blushed and started to walk away.

"Wait!" she called "I didn't pay for the pizza or catch your name!"

Ashton slowly walked back to her door looking down. He had noticed from her voice that she wasn't from around here, she sounded American but also maybe British. He mumbled the amount of money she owed him and after she handed it to him he looked up.

"You still haven't told me your name, mine is Jasmine now what's yours." Ashton thought her name suited her.

"I like your name it can be shorted so many different ways; Jas, Jassy, Jazzy, and Minnie. My can only be shortened to Ash and Ashy but I don't really like when people call me Ashy, only my mother and grandmas call me that. Oh uh I'm Ashton."

"I'll remember to ask for you to deliver my pizza every time from now on which will be often due to my lack of cooking skill, Bye Ashy." Jasmine winked slowly closing the door.

Ashton walked back into the pizza shop smiling like an idiot which Michael took notice of. Ashton hadn't smiled like that in awhile and Michael was happy for his best friend and decided not to ask questions.


Can you guys believe that today is Ashton's 20th birthday! I'm crying like crazy and in a few weeks Luke will be 18! (I'm a Luke girl by the way) This is not ok!

Pizza Delivery Boy // a.i. (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now