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Chapter 12

Emily's POV

I was not sure, I should just show up at Caleb's house with out calling or texting him. But I mean I have not talked to him in about a week and a half. I think he will be happy to see me, well at lest I hope he will. After Candice did my make over she went home and told me to go see Caleb.

So about 10 minutes pass by and I decided to go see Caleb. I had a lot of questions for him, and plus he's my boyfriend. I first went to get Caleb a present, well you know how when guys say sorry they bring flowers. I thought I should bring flowers to Caleb as a twist to that. I went to the store and got a white rose. I love white roses because they, are so pure.

I drove up to Caleb's house and walked to the door. I rang the door bell, I saw a paper on the door. it said go to the back gate its open. So I went to the back gate and surely it was open, I thought I would be smart to take the note with me just in case.

Hello - Me

I found another  note this time it said go to the living room. I was worried for a minute or two but then I realized that I would be with Caleb. I walk in to the living room.

What The Hell Is Going On!!! - Me

Oh my god, Emily its not what you think - Caleb

Ok then explain your self! - Me

Emily, this was not meant to happen - Caleb

Caleb's POV

You know what Caleb, I thought you were a nice, kind guy. I was so wrong! - Emily

Emily please let me explain - Me

No! I don't want to hear it! I came here to apologize, and instead I find you with this girl! Here take your flower!!! - Emily

Emily please don't go! - Me

1 day later

I can't believe this! I tried to do something for her and me. And instead I'm farther away from Emily then ever. What happened last night was, I had planed for Emily to come over at 7:45 pm. But instead she came over at 5 a clock. I got a surprises visit from my ex-girlfriend jessica, she has not left me alone since our break up. She came and just started kissing me, I tried to stop her but I could not. Emily walk in right when that happened.

I really hope she's ok, I tried to call her all last night after jessica left. But she will not talk to me or Candice.

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