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Chapter 14

Jacobs P.O.V.   

I was so happy to see Emily, but see looked different. She looked sad, and not her self. I was surprised that Emily had not gotten a house by now. But she looked like she had a lot on her mind. I mean I'm 2 years younger then her. But I can tell when she needs comfort. After buying the house I told her we need to celebrate.

Emily, we don't have to celebrate we could just go shopping for stuff for your house. - me

Wow, Jacob I'm surprised you want to go shopping. But I do want to get stuff for my house. So yes we need to go shopping. -Emily

I got in the car and Emily drove us to a store full of stuff.

Emilys POV

I pulled up to, IKEA and I saw the face Jacob had when he walk in.

Wow!, this is big- Jacob

you know Jacob you would not believe. what Costco looks like. If you ever went shopping. - me

Hey I do go shopping, just online. - Jacob

well we need a table,coach, chairs and bed frames. - I told the lady helping us.

any thing for your kitchen? asked the lady.

No- me

After getting our stuff for my living room,bed rooms, dining room and backyard. I went to see stuff for my guest room, jacob went to go look at TVs for the rooms. I walked into the area, I really want a desk and flouting shelves. I found my desk, so now all I need it my shelves. I asked a lady where they were at, she was very nice her name was Tracy. So I can finally look at some shelves.

Emily??? - someone next too

(please please please don't be Candice or any of Calebs friends or Caleb)

I turn and see...


sorry I have not updated, I just started school again so I have been busy. I'm so stressed  with homework and classes. But this story helps me find a balance.

Oh and guys I still need characters for the book so please please please, comment or dm me. And if you like the story so far make sure to like or comment.

and thank you so so so much for all of the views it means so much.

love you guys


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