II: Memory

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"Ichiro...you are the eldest brother, please look after your brothers, okay?" beg the girl.

In between of his sobs, he replies "Y-yes..." while nodding his head and wipe away his tears.

"Would you promise this to me?" She points out her pinky finger to the boy. The boy took out his pinky and entwined with hers.

"I-I promise!"


Ichiro opens his eyes, the first thing that reflects in his eyes is the lamp...on the ceiling. He looks around the room, it's his room, his house. He gets up from his back, a comic magazine drop from his abdomen, he was read comic before fell asleep just now. He gazed around the room only to see junks in the room and comics all around.

Ichiro throws his sight outside the window, it's almost dawn. He able to hear the cicada sounds. Well, it's summer after all.

"That dream...." He mumbles.

Somehow, he keeps has the same dream lately. He wonders if it's part of memory or just a mere dream.

Long ago, he made promised with one girl...seems older than him. But he can't really remember who's the girl...her face...or what the event...or even when?

'"Ichi-nii, the dinner is ready!" Saburo popped out from the door. When he about to leave he realized Ichiro is in deep thoughts.

"What's wrong, Ichi-nii?" puzzled Saburo with Ichiro's attitude. Although sometimes he able to pull that kind of attitude... When he about to 'solve some big mystery'...inspired from detective manga.

"Saburo..." The 14 years old tilted his head, "Yeah?"

"Do you think I'd suffer an amnesia?" Huh??

"Well...I'm not sure myself..." Ichiro wrapped his hands, still in deep thought. "You were right, how you would know, right?" mumbles Ichiro. "But, what if all of us suffers amnesia?!"

"What are you talking about?" wondering Saburo.

"Oy, brat! I told you to call Nii-chan aren't you?!" From downstairs, Jiro calls out Saburo.

"SHUT UP, DUMMY! I DID, HE'S RIGHT HERE THINKING ON SOMETHING!" Bark Saburo from upstairs to Jiro.

"Eh? Thinking of what?" Jiro in apron peeks from the kitchen, out of curiosity. Today is Jiro's turn to cook for them.

"Hey, Jiro, do you think we might suffer from amnesia??" Ichiro asked the question from upstairs.

"Hah? Am..nesia?" confuse Jiro with the unfamiliar term. Saburo sigh.

"It's lost memory, you dummy" explain Saburo.

"Geh! Shut up! Of course, I know!" panic Jiro. "Why you asked suddenly?" asked Jiro while climbing the stairs.

"No...I just got this feeling, somewhere in our past was missing..." explain Ichiro.

"Like what?" Asked Jiro.

"Like, when we started to live in this house?" Suddenly Saburo interrupt. Immediately, Jiro and Ichiro look at Saburo, which makes the youngest shocked by their actions.

"What do you mean, Saburo? Did we live in the different house before?" asked Ichiro.

"Isn't this house was left by our parents?" asked Jiro.

"Yeah, aunt next door told us, isn't?" agree Ichiro. Saburo scratches his neck.

"Huh, well, indeed Sugita-basan told us...but, somehow, this house's interior is different from the house that was in my memory during I was kids..." said Saburo.

"When you were kids? Around what age?" asked Ichiro.

"I don't know, around 2 or 3 years old? I guess?" Saburo tried to recall, "And when I clean up the warehouse. I cannot find any of the toys or any baby stuff was kept in there...like babies never live in this house..." continues Saburo.

"Is there probability all the toys and baby stuff was thrown away?" asked Jiro.

"But who's throw it?" asked Saburo. "Do you ever throw any baby or toys stuffs from the warehouse?"

Both Ichiro and Jiro shakes their head. More correctly, they never enter the warehouse in the first place.

"Oh! Maybe Sugita-basan clean up and throw them away? She always comes here to clean our house, isn't?" Ichiro tries to solve the mystery.

"I've asked her about this, but she said never enter the warehouse..." Ehhh???

Okay, this mystery got deeper than what we expected.


"I cannot find anything, even a picture album of our parents, or our family..." said Saburo with sad tones in his voices and expression.

Both Ichiro and Jiro speechless by Saburo's remarks.

"Ah~~~my bad, my bad!!" Jiro and Saburo look at Ichiro that suddenly broke the tense. Ichiro sighs as he stretches out his arm over his head, "I guess, this just my wild imagination, sorry for drag you two along~~" Ichiro smiles.

"Just forget what I said!!! Let's have a dinner~" Ichiro walk downstairs to the dining room. Jiro and Saburo just look Ichiro leaving.

"Hey~ faster you two! I'm starving you know??" Jiro and Saburo look at each other, and smiles.

"Yeah!" simultaneously they replied to him.

"Oh! Aren't you get along very well??" Tease Ichiro.

"We're not!" Denied Jiro

"Not with this idiot" replied Saburo.

"WHAT DID YOU SAID, BRAT?!" They laughed.

Ichiro...indeed look after his brothers....properly.

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