X: Farewell

605 28 4

September, 9 years ago

After learning that her hypnosis microphone waves might put someone into amnesiac conditions, she attacks everyone including the other orphanage residents.

Erasing Yamada siblings existence away from their memory. They never know who is Yamada Reiko, Yamada Ichiro, Yamada Jiro and Yamada Saburo, they never live in this institution and the hypmic experiments never exist in their memory.

The moment Reiko activated her hypnosis microphone, a signal sent to Tooru, telling him that she had started her escape mission. In the same time, he took action as well.

After Reiko had paralyzed the institution activities, destroyed the experiments tools and data. Not long after that, Kurusu Tooru come and pick them, immediately bring them to the house that soon belongs to the Yamada family.

After an hour travel on road...

"We arrived, kids," said Tooru, get out from the car. Yamada siblings drop off from the car as they look at the two-storey house in front of them.

"Is this your house, grandpa?" asked Ichiro, while pointing at the house. Tooru look at them, a bit irritated, "I'm just 34 years old, don't call me grandpa, and not, this is not my house, but yours"

Yamada brothers cheer as they run into the house. Sugita-san, the next door aunt welcome them. Reiko approached Tooru, "Is that fine for us to live in this house?" asked Reiko, concern. Tooru smiles at her, "It's only them, remember?"

Reiko recalled her promise to Tooru, "Y-yeah, them....is that fine for them to live here?"

"Yes, after all this one of Kurusu family's property," Tooru went into the house and Reiko follows him. The house is consists of a living room, a kitchen, a washroom, a bathroom, 4 rooms and a backyard. It's also considered as complete since it's fully furnished. Look at the conditions, Reiko confident to leave her brothers in that house.

"It's a big house!!" Cheers Ichiro, as he runs around the house. It's been a while since they have a place called a house.

"I pick this room!!!" choose Ichiro. Jiro and Saburo also pick their own room as well.

"But, I scared to sleep alone at night....so, maybe I'll sleep with nee-chan...." said Jiro, while coming near to Reiko and cling to her shirt's hem. Since this going to the first time in their life to own a private room.

"M-me too! I want to sleep with nee-chan" said Saburo, wrap his arm around Reiko's legs.

Looking his brothers pick to sleep with Reiko, Ichiro end up give up and choose to sleep with her as well.

Reiko become panics to see her clingy brothers, while Tooru just giggles. "How cute, unfortunately, I afraid you cannot"

The Yamada brothers look at Tooru, puzzle, "Why we can't?" ask Ichiro.

"Because she will be not live in this house" Reiko feel guilt when Tooru points it out in a sentence. She finally realized what deal she had made.

Her brothers look at Reiko, "Nee-chan didn't live here? Why?" ask Saburo.

"I-if nee-chan didn't live here....w-who will be going to look after us?" Jiro in tears. Reiko start to panics when saw Jiro crying, and Saburo cries as well.

"W-well, there is Ichi-nii will look after you guys, right? Plus, neighbour, Sugita-san also will be looking after you guys..." Reiko tries to calm her brothers down. Hearing Reiko did not deny Tooru words but instead, agreeing on it, end up make Ichiro cry as well.

"Nooo! Nee-chan don't leave!!" weeps Ichiro, hug Reiko from behind. Tooru sighs, he walks out from the scene."Once you settle this, see you at outside, Reiko-chan" said him before disappearing.

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