Chapter 1

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"Hey boy, I'm waiting on you. I'm waiting on you. Come on and let me sneak you out."

I turn to the velvety voice. The owner of the voice wore a striped, black and white shirt that was left unbuttoned. Underneath he wore a plain white shirt. The outfit was paired with skinny jeans and black loafers. A familiar rectangle smile was facing me.

"And have a celebration, a celebration," I sing back as I embrace my blonde haired best friend. "The music up, the windows down."


"Mr. 'I Will Keep My Hands to Myself'!" I feel a light punch to my shoulder.

"Will we ever stop being Directioners?"

We giggle at our actions as we walked into the nearest coffee shop. After letting Taehyung order our drinks, we decided to sit in a quiet corner. He sips on his tea as he leans across the table. "So what's been up?"

From there the conversations flows. We catch up on each other's lives. He provides details of the traveling gig he's been offered as the saxophonist of a jazz band. I fill him in on my new job as a choreographer for a small idol company. The coffee shop is full of squeals and giggles.

Taehyung suddenly grabs both of my hands. "You do realize that both of our dreams are coming true."

I can't help but to bounce in excitement. "I know! I know! That's why I thought we should do one last annual stay at the cabin. Who knows when we'll all have time to do this again? And guess what! Hoseok was recruited to be the choreographer at our rival company!" He looks on with wide eyes but I laugh. "We compared schedules and they're trying to make sure that him and I never have the time to 'share secrets'."

"They really think you two would let this job come between friendship? They just don't know us Bangtan Boys."

The memory of the group warms my heart. There are seven of us Bangtan Boys: Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon, myself, Taehyung, and Jungkook. They are more than best friends to me, they are brothers.

Except for Jungkook.

We are all starting or in the peak of their careers. Seokjin recently landed the role in a new show called Hanahaki Disease. He would be the unknowing love interest of the lead actress. Yoongi currently works as the producer for a top idol group. He was the one that convinced his company to pull Hoseok's application. The company felt obligated to hire Hoseok considering Yoongi is the boat keeping their company afloat.

Namjoon, a law student, currently interns with a lawyer's office. He is famous on Instagram for his aesthetic photos. Really, his followers were there for his dimples. Trust me, I read most of the comments for fun.

"Omg! Imagine future President Kim with those dimples. #BangtanPresident #KissMe"

"I'd break the law anytime so those dimples could prosecute me."

"Calvin Klein boxers + his dimples = save me."

Look up Namjoon's Instagram if you ever need a laugh.

I'm really excited for Taehyung. He's been wanting to be a saxophone star since I met him. I remember I received my first detention because of him and that dream. We were in our English class saying our goals. It wasn't my fault that he pronounced the words like sexy porn star." He received detention as well for pushing me out of my chair because I wouldn't stop laughing. He had to write "I will keep my hands to myself" 0ne hundred times in English.

Thus, "Mr. I Will Keep My Hands to Myself" was born.

I lean forward as Taehyung continues to hold my hands from across the table.

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