Chapter 2

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"Don't throw them in-!"

My sentence is cut short as a 6-pack of cherry Coke land in my basket.

Jungkook and Taehyung do a celebratory dance around the shopping cart. I shake my head as I hold in my laugh.

"I hope all six of those lose their flavor," I snort as I begin to push the basket once more.

We decided to do last minute shopping for our summer stay after leaving the coffee shop. As always, we were put in charge of snacks and beverages. "The Junk Food Crew" is what Seokjin calls us.

I think he's still bitter from that year he wanted asparagus for lunch but we chose pizza. It's not our fault that they can't say "no" to our adorable faces.

Jungkook and Taehyung idly converse around me. I'm not sure what they're even saying. I'm just happily enjoying the moment. Here I am grocery shopping with my future husband and both of my bestest friends in this world.

Too bad things won't stay like this.

But I'll worry about the future when it comes.


I look into the basket to find a large platter of mixed fruits. Jungkook looks at me with a small grin as he leans on the basket.

"For me?" I question.

"Just for you," he playfully sings in response.

Jungkook is really considerate. I look into the basket and notice that there's a specific treat that each of us prefers. Fruit isn't necessarily "junk food" but he knows it's one of my go to snacks. He was the one that actually pointed out the cherry flavored Coke for Taehyung. And he picked snacks for the other four.

That's Jungkook. He's always thinking of others. Never of himself.

"Would you mind if I go to the electronics section? I want to check on things like travel chargers."

"Go ahead, Baby."

And like a small child, Jungkook's eyes light up as he begins to sprint away. I notice he slows when he passes an older couple. Jungkook glances back at me before he disappears.

"Don't talk to strangers," Taehyung calls after him.

I instinctively duck when a small bag of rice comes flying his way in response.

"Darn brat." Taehyung and I laugh in unison. The older, timid looking couple look our way in shock. Maybe our laughs were too loud. We continue to make our way through the aisles picking up items on our list such as cases of water, snack cakes, and Pocky.

After about ten minutes, we've pretty much filled our small grocery cart. Luckily, we have a designated duffle bag for snacks.

We stop in front of the popcorn aisle as we wait for Jungkook. Taehyung is currently in a debate between the White Cheddar, Caramel, and Garlic Parmesan popcorn seasonings.

The same timid couple is near the end of the aisle, watching us. As I think about it, their faces seem very familiar.

"We seem to have similar tastes in food." I attempt to joke.

The small woman seems to release the breath that she's holding. Her and her significant other turn to each other before giving me small smiles.

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